Joshua 6:1-5


The power of praise the combination to unlock what God has already given you. Faithful Obedience Praise; this is when the impossible becomes possible. Jericho was the oldest lowest city 1300 feet below sea level. It was a stronghold that needed to be defeated in order to possess the land that God had promised Abraham 500 years before. When God makes a promise it will come to pass, we are benefiting from what God had promised.

God promised he would take care of you he would prosper you, they were on their was to the land but one big giant was in the way. You are on your way but there is a giant in the way. Sometimes that giant is not physical but spiritual a spiritual stronghold patter of thought we believe what people say about us, our self image. Remember you are a child of the most high, chosen by God for God. The apple of his eye. God has given us the weapons to pull down every stronghold that stands in out way. What the the weapons?

Obedience: They did what God ask them to do, Exactly. If you bake a cake and don’t use all the ingredients, it won’t taste like a cake. Prov 3:5 Do not lean on your own understanding. Obedience brings victory even with insurmountable odds. If God is for you, who can be against you?

Faith: By faith they followed the commands of God, the plan was crazy. On the surface they were following a dumb strategy but God was testing their faith and building their faith at the same time. They had fallen in the past but forgot what is behind and keep moving forward. God is doing a new thing in your life, Faith must be evidenced by obedience.

Praise: Your praise will take down the barriers that prevent you from being all that God has called you to do. When praise go up blessings start to come down. The all shouted together, the body of Christ, your church, your home, come on and magnify the Lord with me. His praises should continually be in my mouth. The walls will come down the walls of poverty the walls of injustice the walls of hatred. The walls of low self esteem the walls of guilt every chain will be broken. Shout it out, give God some glory now. The praise will conquer the devil stronghold. You can praise him now before the door open. Because God told Joshua I have given you the city before they marched around. Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord will go before you. Exodus 33:14 My presence will go with you. God demonstrates his miraculous power. Keep walking use the combination: Faith, Obedience, Praise. You can’t Lose, You won’t Lose, Victory is mine.

Bishop Thomas

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 500 Marquette Avenue NW Suite 1200 Albuquerque, NM 87102 |

C.B. Helping Hands