Archives 2020

The God of all Comfort, Pay it forward

The God of all Comfort, Pay it forward


2 Corinthians 1:2-3

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of Mercy and God of all comfort. Who comforts us in all our tribulations, that we may be able to comfort those who are in trouble. Moses asked God, what do I Tell Pharaoh when he ask who sent me. God said I Am. That means I can be what you need be to me. I am so glad that we have something money can not buy. In the text The Apostle Paul is reminding us who God is. The God of All Comfort. You don’t have to turn to anything else for comfort, not drugs not alcohol not your friends.  Look to Jesus. Consider Job’s loss, the father of 10 children a wealthy and healthy man, suddenly everything is gone.

How did he make it?

What was Job’s secret? He trusted the Lord, he said the Lord gave.  It was not mine anyway, and the Lord taken away.

I know that my Redeemer Liveth.

Who is This God Whom Job Trusted?

VERSE 3 says… He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

He sent His only Son to die for me

that alone shows how much he cares and loves me.

He is the Father of Mercy. Somethings we won’t understand until we see Him. Why did my child die?  Why the divorce?

Why I lost my job?  Why did I get cancer?

God understands our heartache.

He was hurting seeing His only son on the cross, so He knows how to comfort you.

the word of God says many afflictions of the righteous, but God deliver them from them all.

As God comfort me I must pay it forward.

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

Proverbs 3:5-14

Proverbs 3:5-14


Trust God with all your heart some won’t do it, he wants all of you.  Do not divide your heart, you can’t lean on you, you have to lean on him.  He is strong we are weak.  Fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  Do not assume you know it all.  Only God knows it all and cares for you.  God is out GPS he won’t let you get lost you are in good hands.  Listen to the voice of God he has been where we are trying to go.  If you are a child of God you have a built in GPS called the Holy Spirit.  You have to cut it on and follow instructions Honor God with your best he will give you the desires of your heart.  Good health, peace, love and joy.  Remember he loves us so much he will correct us.  He wants us to grow, he will look out for us.  He wants us to glow and grow in the Lord.

Evangelist Smith

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

Paid in Advance

Paid in Advance


Paid in Advance. We hear the phrase serving the Lord will pay off after while. I say to you serving the Lord has already paid of. We owe God and wants us to pay. No He does not want just your money. Not just your time. He wants you and all of you. He wants your heart. Mind and soul. That’s the greatest commandment. Do you want to pay your debt. Pay our obligations. Why does God want your heart. Because we’re your treasures is that’s your heart. You can’t be saved without giving God your heart. If God has your heart than and only then you can serve the Lord. Matthew 25 :34-35 Then the King will say to those on His right come, you who are blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. So why are you blessed? Hear what Jesus says: for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirty and you gave Me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited Me in. God has already paid us by going to the cross to die for you and me. A debt we could not pay. He paid it all. We owe God. So how do we repay God ?
By serving others. He has already prepared a place for us In Heaven. But what about now.? Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard what God has in store for those who love him.

To God Be The Glory
Bishop Antonio Thomas
C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

Luke 19:30-35

Luke 19:30-35


Are you at a crossroads in your life?

A red sea experience can’t go back can’t go forward a place of intersections.  You have to make a decision what do you do?  It’s crucial your life depends on it.  Go and you will find a donkey that has never been ridden, God knows where you are I can imagine the donkey saying “why am I here?”  No one has ever used me…You are set apart for God, Jesus said “I have use for it.  It’s time to be used for God, you were born and set aside for such a time as this.”  Call my God for God.  The donkey was born for Jesus and you have been born to carry Jesus.  He has need of you with all your faults, he can still use you.  You must be about your father’s business.  Jesus said lose the colt, Jesus said lose you, you may be all tied up, but God is using you today to be used by God..cut lose your past, cut lose your guilt, cut lose your lack, you are free.  Don’t let things around keep you from going forth.  The Lord has need of you, use your gift now, Jesus has need of you.  Spread the gospel, God has qualified you.  I know you don’t have a degree, but God called you.  I will not let the colt out do me.  Here I am send me 2020 is still my year.  THe colt fulfilled his destiny, I can fulfill my destiny.  He was all tied up, he knows you are confused.  Tied up in the mind, it’s time to be loose.  The church is a rescue team, it’s time to go to work.  The body of Christ come together.  There is a burning building, are we telling anybody about Jesus?  People are still going to hell daily, serve where you are.

A call to action Luke 10:31

Now came a certain preacher came down the road and when he saw him he passed by on the other side.  Likewise a Levite passed by on the other but a certain Samaritan as he passed by did not pass him by but had compassion.  That’s who God is looking for… YOU.  What is your cross?  Spread the message to a dark world, let go of some old stuff, God give me a fresh start a call to action.  We have been at a cross road too long.  We have gifts and God will make room for your gifts God is looking for you to ride in people’s life, to make a difference to be the salt of the earth you were born for such a time as this and God is loosing you…he is taking the chains off you, it’s time now to go to work to be about our father’s business no longer are we at a cross roads.  I don’t know what to do because God has given us the plan and God has given us the ability to do his will.  Remember if God called you he will equip you for such a time is this.  We have to be on a mission, in a mission from and for God.

Chief Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

Jeremiah 29:11

Jeremiah 29:11


He knows the plans for your life, to give you a future.  Living life with  no worries, the Lord has given comfort in trying times.  When you were in trouble, he came with encouraging word.  Why do we spend time worrying and causing trouble for one another?  We have to move forward and don’t look back you can’t change it.  God has more for us but it’s in front of us not behind us.  God has me on his mind as I go through and will get me there.  I am totally dependant on God, I can’t make it on my own.  You have to ask, open your mouth.  Yes he knows but he wants to communicate with you.  Don’t wait until you are in trouble to talk with God.  It’s about a relationship, talk to God when things are going good.  Put our plans aside we must be about our father’s business.  To be used by God allow God to accomplish his purpose through you.  God knows what he is doing, he will place people in your life for a season, for his purpose.  It may not be for a lifetime, living life without worry, who is living in you?  That’s why we don’t need to worry.

Elder Robinson

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

I need Thee every hour!!

I need Thee every hour!!


Oh bless me now my savior I come to Thee.  I come with encouragement Philip 4:8

Whatsoever things are honest, pure, lovely.  If there is praise think on these things.  God’s word is true without him we are nothing let us examine ourselves are we being honest?  Why are you preaching?  Are souls the most important thing.  Do you have your own agenda?  Is it about you or God?  If it’s about you it will fall;  Jesus said I come to do my father’s will, not my will.  I do nothing on my own doing Gods will, I will have trouble but you are with me Lord.  You will never leave me nor forsake me.  We are just the vase that you put the flowers in We are your hands, feet, ears, eyes and mouth.  If we focus on these things we will see the good in everyone we do as Jesus did.  Always doing good never negative.  Seeing the glass half full be thankful be grateful.  We do get disconnected we do get disappointed we do get discouraged.  But those that wait on the Lord he will renew your strength.

Apostle Bush

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

God’s way is the best way

God’s way is the best way


John 1:8  This book should not depart from your mouth.  Meditate on it day and night.

2 Timothy 3:16  All scripture is given from God.

Psalm 27:1  Teach me thy way oh Lord.

Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in the Lord do not lean on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path.  God’s way is the best way, No two people think alike.  When you work for a company you must do it their way and not not your way.  God’s way is the best way.  Come here Mother Mary Jesus we have ran out of wine; Mary said do whatever Jesus tells you to do and Jesus turned the water into the best wine.  If you just do what Jesus says to do he will turn your life into the best to be used by him.  Come her Peter, What do you say?  Well I have been fishing all night and caught nothing, I am an expert, I have been doing this all my life.  Jesus said let down your net on the other side.  They caught so many fish God’s way is the best way.  When you follow instructions expect an overflow, expect an abundance.  So you may have tried it and asked for it and received a no.  God said go back and this time you will get favor.  There is a way that seems right to man, but it is a way of destruction.  We can’t blame God if it does not work when we do not follow instructions to the letter.  God will send you someone to help you.  Don’t be stubborn.  Lord change me to accept the change/  Seek God with your whole heart don’t be afraid God is with you.  Gideon was afraid but God gave him a sign.  Be scared, and still do it anyway, God is with you.  Gideon heard what God said through a dream, he had went out at night and ease dropped so he went back and said let’s go do it.  God has spoken.  God’s word will not come back void.  It will accomplish what it set out to do.  You can’t lose with following God.  You may lose some battles along the way, but God won’t let you lose the war, just keep trusting God.  Walk by faith not by sight not by your emotion but by faith.  Jesus said my sheep hear my voice, God speaks through his word.  Meditate on his word day and night, pray about it before you start.  Count the cost trust in God not yourself.  Not your money, not your education, not your friend.  God’s way is the best way.

Elder Mother Jackson

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |




God is working on me Lord help me to forgive as you forgave me.  Col 3:13

We must forgive, we must not blame others for out shortcomings.  We can always find a reason not to forgive, but its a bigger reason to forgive, so my sins are forgiven.  I am not going to let anyone stop my blessings from God you are not that important! Eph 4:3  Just as Christ forgave you Christ dropped the charges on me Don’t give others power over you by holding unforgiveness in your heart. ! John 1:9

He will forgive us, forgiveness is freedom for you to serve God.  We need to pray Lord search my heart Give me a clean heart and renew the right spirit in me James 5:16  Pray for each other you want the power Mark 3:28 Romans 3:23 We all have sinned and come short so we all need forgiveness.  Matthew 5:44  Praying for your enemies Give it to God to release your pain 2 Chr 7:14  Turn from your wicked ways I need my healing.  Don’t let the devil come in…when you won’t forgive others he will.  God thought it was so important to forgive that he gave his only son to die for us.  If you do not forgive others God said I won’t forgive you.  We need forgiveness or we will not make it in.  Forgiveness gets us one step closer to God.  Let this mind be in you as Christ Jesus, we can have the mind of Christ.  Let the Holy Spirit take over because our flesh won’t forgive.  We can be free and on our way if we just forgive.

Evangelist Q Thompson

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

2020 Vision

2020 Vision


Psalm 124:6,7,8

What are you looking at talking to the survivors today.  The enemies thought they had you.  They set the trap but God opened the gate David said I know who opens the gate.  Snatch me out of the mouth of haters he said out help is in the name of the Lord.  David said we have escaped he blessed the Lord thanking God that he did not allow the haters to eat us up, to devour us everyone can’t rejoice with you and can’t relate to you, they don’t know you were almost prey but God came to the rescue.  People see your glory don’t know your story, talking about the Providence of God.  God’s power to keep you when you want to throw in the towel.  A vertical and horizontal relationship with God and God’s people.  No matter what you are dealing with God is with you.  David said I see no abandonment, David said we have enemies like a raging dog.  We are prey for the eating we think we are more than are.  Our enemies size us up we have a target on our back the enemies don’t like you David said it’s a wanted bird.  Trying to trap us have us boxed in we have to get out the box and let God use us.  Get out of our comfort zone God has a plan for you and a purpose Bloom where you are don’t worry about the haters God did not do all that for you to quit.  He kept the enemies back, carry the box only as reminder of where God brought you from.  She was sleeping in the box, homeless but look at God, he has not forgotten about you.  God will see us through, we get tired don’t punk out don’t get weak on God.  The enemies want you to quit don’t you quit on God because God will never quit on you.  After the tears wipe your eyes, get back in the game.  Don’t abort the baby, yes there will be some labor pains, but the baby is coming, joy is coming.

Pastor Bernard Robinson Sr.

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

Your Rights, One Voice: James’ Story

Your Rights, One Voice: James’ Story

BY SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 – 2:26 PM HEALTH

By American Diabetes Association

For the last two years, James Wilson has worked as a behavioral health technician at an addiction treatment center in Illinois. James has found great meaning in this work with rehabilitation patients and has enjoyed his responsibility of conducting patient checks around the 23-acre campus.

James’ type 2 diabetes never interfered with this job until last spring, when he began to develop diabetes-related foot pain. He initially took some leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to cope with his foot complications. He had to wear a cast twice, as well as a boot for some time. Unfortunately, the complications worsened, and James developed a life-threatening infection. His only viable option was to have his toe amputated.

When his FMLA leave ran out, James was told by his employer that he was not entitled to any other type of leave under the law. James researched his rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act and learned that he is protected against disability discrimination and is entitled to reasonable accommodations. He reached out to his employer to discuss possible reasonable accommodations that would enable him to continue to do his job, thinking, for example, that a scooter might be a workable option to allow him to continue to do his patient checks around the campus. However, his employer refused to entertain his suggestions. His employer also became nonresponsive when asked about disability insurance to which he was entitled.

James had been out of work for two months, without any pay or disability benefits and without any word from his employer. As far as he was concerned, his employer had every intention of “just forgetting [he] existed.”

Feeling distraught and discouraged, James contacted our Legal Advocacy Department for information and guidance about his legal rights. A Legal Advocacy attorney walked James through his rights under federal antidiscrimination laws. They discussed possible reasonable accommodations that he might be entitled to, such as extended leave or other accommodations that could enable him to do his rounds. They also discussed possible action steps and explored complaint options.

James soon learned that his employer had shut down the facility where he worked, so gaining employment again was not a viable option. However, armed with knowledge about his legal rights, James felt a new sense of confidence and decided to write a letter to this former employer, both to educate them about the rights of people with diabetes and the obligations of employers and to request that they follow through with backpay and disability benefits.

On the very same day that James sent the letter to his employer, he received a response. James shared the great news with our Legal Advocacy team: “I took your advice and wrote a letter to my employer. It worked like magic. My employer…pushed my disability claim through their insurance, and they paid me retroactively…It was truly a godsend that I contacted you. I want to sincerely thank you, and I am knocked out by the service you provide to others…”

The American Diabetes Association leads the effort to prevent and eliminate discrimination against people with diabetes at work, at school and in other parts of daily life. If you need help, call 1-800-DIABETES or visit


C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

C.B. Helping Hands