God as the author and finisher of our faith

God is the ultimate authority and is unparalleled in His power to transform lives. As the author and finisher of our faith, He has the power to change us from the inside out. Through His divine intervention, we can experience a transformation that is unparalleled by any other force. This change takes place at the core of our being and allows us to live a life that is in harmony with God’s plan and purpose for us.

So if you desire to experience a power that can change your life in ways you never thought possible, look to God who is the author and finisher of our faith.


Apostle Shelia

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

SBI Ministries

God s the ultimate source of power and authority

As we journey through life, we experience many highs and lows. We encounter numerous obstacles and challenges that test our faith and question our beliefs. But amidst it all, we must remember that God is the author and finisher of our faith. He is the ultimate source of power and authority, and it is through Him that we can experience lasting transformation and change. When we allow God to take the reins, He transforms us from the inside out, renewing our minds and guiding us towards a life that glorifies Him.

As we place our trust in Him, we can rest assured that we are in good hands, and that He will finish the work He started in us.

Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries


Faith in the Lord

As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are empowered with the authority and power of God to undergo transformation and change. Joshua 6:15 serves as a powerful reminder that God is capable of bringing the walls in your life down. His divine power has the ability to equip you with the necessary tools to overcome any obstacle and empower you to achieve what may seem impossible. You are not a victim of the walls in your life. With faith in the Lord, you have the power to demolish them and step into the fullness of His promises.

Trust in God’s authority, and allow Him to work in your life to bring about the change and transformation you long for.

Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries


Guidance and grace from above

In this world, it’s easy to feel like we are not in control of our emotions- that anger, fear, anxiety, and frustration are simply natural responses to the chaos that surrounds us. But as believers, we know that we serve a God who is all-powerful, and who has equipped us with the tools to transform our thinking and react in a way that reflects his authority. We do not have to be ruled by our fear- instead, we can lean into the provision and empowerment that God has given us to become the change that we seek.

With guidance and grace from above, we can learn to control our feelings and emotions, trusting in the transformative power of God to shape us into the people He created us to be.


Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries


God is always present in our lives

As humans, controlling our emotions can be a daunting task. However, it becomes easier when we remember that God is still in control. We are not meant to live in fear but to walk boldly in the power and authority that God has given us. His provision is enough to equip and empower us to transform ourselves and others around us.

We must become the change we seek in the world, and that begins with understanding that we have the power to take control of our emotions with the knowledge that God is always present in our lives, giving us the strength for transformation and change.

Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries


Trust in God’s provision

Life can be unpredictable, and it’s normal to experience a range of emotions. However, as believers, we are called to be in control of our feelings and emotions. We are equipped with the power and authority to transform our thoughts and feelings. We should not allow fear to overcome us, but instead, we must trust in God’s provision. When we allow God to empower us, we become the change we seek in our lives.

We are not victims of our emotions, but rather, we have the capability to change them for the better.

So let us focus on God’s power that lives in us, and use it to transform our minds and emotions, knowing that we’re never alone.


Apostle Shelia 

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

God is always in control

While it can be difficult to control our feelings and emotions, it’s important to remember that God is always in control. By equipping and empowering us with power and authority, He has given us the tools necessary for transformation and change. It’s up to us to use these resources to become the change we seek in the world. Fear may linger, but we can take comfort in knowing that God has not given us a spirit of fear. Instead, He has provided us with everything we need to face our fears with courage and confidence.

With His provision, we can overcome our emotions and move forward in faith.

Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries


God didn’t give us the spirit of fear, but of power

Controlling our feelings and emotions can seem like an impossible feat. But the good news is, we don’t have to go at it alone. As believers, we have access to a power and authority that can bring transformation and change to our lives. God didn’t give us the spirit of fear, but of power. With this power, we can equip and empower ourselves to face any challenge that comes our way. And the best part is that God has already provided everything we need to become the change we seek.

So let’s stand firm in our faith, knowing that even when our emotions seem to be all over the place, God is still in control.


Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries


He will provide for our needs

Controlling one’s feelings and emotions can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that God is still in control. When we feel overwhelmed or fearful, we can tap into the power and authority that He has given us. The Holy Spirit empowers us to transform our hearts and minds, giving us the ability to change our outlook and attitudes. He equips and empowers us to face any challenge with confidence, knowing that He will provide for our needs.

Instead of being afraid of the unknown, we can become the change we seek, trusting that God is with us every step of the way.

With His help, we can overcome our fears and become more like Him.

Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries


C.B. Helping Hands