Experiencing the Unconditional Love of Jesus

In a world filled with chaos, uncertainty, and division, the love of Jesus shines as a beacon of hope and comfort for all who seek solace. The love of Jesus is a powerful force that transcends all barriers and boundaries, offering healing, forgiveness, and redemption to those who open their hearts to receive it.

Jesus’ love is a love like no other – it is selfless, unconditional, and unwavering. It is a love that knows no limits, no conditions, and no expectations. His love is a love that is freely given, without judgment or condemnation.

When we accept the love of Jesus into our hearts, we are transformed by its power. We are filled with a sense of peace, joy, and fulfillment that surpasses all understanding. We are able to experience a deep sense of connection to God and to others, knowing that we are truly loved and cherished.

The love of Jesus is a love that inspires us to love others in the same way. It calls us to show compassion, kindness, and forgiveness to those around us, mirroring the love that Jesus has shown to us. It challenges us to extend grace and mercy to those who may not deserve it, just as Jesus did for all of humanity.

In a world that often feels devoid of love, the love of Jesus stands as a testament to the power of love to heal, transform, and unite. It is a love that offers hope in the darkest of times, comfort in the midst of trials, and joy in the face of sorrow.

May we all open our hearts to the love of Jesus, allowing it to fill us with its transformative power and guiding us to share that love with the world around us. In doing so, we can create a world filled with the love of Jesus – a world where all are welcomed, valued, and cherished.

Let us take refuge in the love of Jesus, knowing that we are truly loved beyond measure and that His love is a beacon of hope that will never fade. May His love strengthen us, guide us, and inspire us to live lives filled with love, compassion, and grace.


Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

The crucifixion of Jesus

According to the Bible, Jesus was crucified on a cross on Good Friday, following a series of events that led to His betrayal, arrest, trial, and sentencing by the Roman authorities.

The crucifixion of Jesus is a brutal and agonizing form of execution that was commonly used by the Romans for criminals and political dissidents. For Jesus, it was a public humiliation and a display of the power of the Roman Empire over the Jewish people.

Despite the physical and emotional pain of the crucifixion, it is believe that Jesus willingly endured this suffering as part of His divine mission to save humanity from sin and to reconcile mankind with God. His death on the cross is seen as a sacrificial act of love and atonement, offering redemption and forgiveness to all who believe in Him.

The crucifixion of Jesus is a powerful symbol of God’s mercy and grace, demonstrating the depth of His love for humanity. It is a reminder of the lengths to which Jesus was willing to go to show His love for us and to offer us the gift of salvation.

The crucifixion is a reminder of the price that was paid for our redemption and the ultimate victory over sin and death that Jesus achieved through His resurrection.

In the crucifixion of Jesus, it is a reminder of the power of God’s love to transform lives and to bring about healing and reconciliation. May we always remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and be inspired to live with gratitude, humility, and love in response to his extraordinary gift of salvation.

Apostle Shelia

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

SBI Ministries

God’s Provision

God’s provision is a topic that carries great significance and inspiration for many individuals. It is a belief that our needs will be met and our lives sustained by a higher power. 

Belief in God’s provision is rooted in the understanding that God is a loving and caring deity who provides for His creation. This belief is often supported by teachings from religious texts and personal experiences of divine intervention. By trusting in God’s provision, individuals can cultivate a sense of peace, security, and gratitude in their lives.

God’s provision can manifest in various ways, including financial blessings, emotional support, opportunities for growth, and physical health. It is important to recognize and acknowledge these manifestations as signs of God’s care and provision in our lives. By staying open and receptive to these blessings, we can experience a deep sense of gratitude and abundance.

Trusting in God’s provision also involves having faith in divine timing. Sometimes, our prayers and requests may not be answered immediately, but it is important to trust that God knows what is best for us and will provide for our needs at the right time. By surrendering to divine timing, we can release feelings of anxiety and doubt and have faith that everything will unfold according to God’s plan.

One of the keys to experiencing God’s provision is through practicing gratitude. By cultivating a mindset of gratitude and acknowledging the blessings in our lives, we can attract more abundance and blessings from the universe. Gratitude helps us to shift our focus from lack to abundance, which in turn opens up the channels for more blessings to flow into our lives.

God’s provision is a source of comfort, hope, and inspiration for many individuals. By trusting in divine abundance, recognizing the manifestations of God’s care, trusting in divine timing, and practicing gratitude, we can experience a deep sense of peace and abundance in our lives. May we always remember to trust in God’s provision and have faith that our needs will be met in His perfect timing.

Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

The Influence and Teachings of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ has had an immense impact on the world throughout history. His teachings and life continue to inspire millions, shaping various aspects of human culture, values, and beliefs. 

1. The Life of Jesus Christ:
Born in Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago, Jesus grew up in Nazareth, a small town in Galilee. His life was marked by a series of miracles, parables, and teachings that continue to resonate with people around the world. Jesus’ ministry began at the age of 30, and he spent three years traveling throughout the region, preaching and performing miracles. His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection are the cornerstones of Christian faith.

2. Jesus’ Core Teachings:
Jesus’ teachings can be summarized in three main principles: love for God, love for one’s neighbor, and love for oneself. He emphasized the importance of forgiveness, humility, and compassion. One of his most famous teachings is the Golden Rule, which encourages people to treat others as they would like to be treated themselves. Jesus also taught about the Kingdom of God, which represents a state of divine love, peace, and justice.

3. The Lasting Influence of Jesus Christ:
Jesus’ teachings have had a profound impact on the world, shaping the moral and spiritual foundations of Western civilization. His emphasis on love, compassion, and forgiveness has inspired countless individuals to lead lives of service and selflessness. The establishment of the Christian Church has allowed his teachings to be preserved and shared across generations.

4. Jesus and Social Justice:
Throughout history, Jesus’ teachings have been a driving force behind social justice movements. His message of love and compassion for all people has inspired activists to fight for equality, justice, and human rights. The Civil Rights Movement in the United States, for example, drew inspiration from Jesus’ teachings of love and nonviolence.

5. Jesus in Art, Literature, and Music:
Jesus has been a prominent figure in art, literature, and music for centuries. His life and teachings have inspired countless artists, writers, and musicians to create works that explore the depths of human emotion, faith, and spirituality. From the Sistine Chapel’s frescoes by Michelangelo to Leonard Cohen’s song “Hallelujah,” Jesus’ influence can be seen and heard in various forms of creative expression.

Jesus Christ remains a significant figure in the world today, with his teachings continuing to inspire people from all walks of life. His message of love, compassion, and forgiveness is more relevant than ever, as we strive to create a more just and equitable society. By exploring Jesus’ life and teachings, we can gain valuable insights into the human experience and the importance of empathy, understanding, and unity.

Apostle Shelia 

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

God’s existence in our lives

God is an omnipotent and omniscient being who is believed to be the creator and ruler of the universe. People around the world worship and pray to God in different ways, depending on their religious beliefs and traditions. The concept of God is present in various religions such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and many others.

Many people believe that God plays a significant role in their lives, providing them with comfort, guidance, and strength during difficult times. They believe that God can intervene in their lives, grant them with blessings, and answer their prayers. For some, God is a source of hope and inspiration, giving them a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

Others may question the existence of God or struggle with their faith, especially in the face of pain, suffering, and injustice in the world. They may wonder why a loving and all-powerful God would allow such things to happen. These doubts and questions are a natural part of the human experience and can lead to deep spiritual reflection and growth.

Regardless of one’s beliefs or doubts, the idea of God often sparks discussions and debates about the nature of the divine, the meaning of life, and the existence of a higher power. People may interpret and experience God in different ways, based on their cultural background, personal experiences, and religious teachings.

In the end, the concept of God is a deeply personal and subjective matter. It can bring comfort and solace to some, while causing confusion and doubt in others. Whatever one’s beliefs may be, the exploration of God and spirituality can lead to a greater understanding of oneself, the world, and the mysteries of existence.

Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

Embracing God’s Unconditional Love

God’s unconditional love is a concept that is often talked about but can be difficult to fully comprehend. It is a love that surpasses all understanding and is freely given to each and every one of us. In this blog post, we will delve into the depth of God’s unconditional love, exploring what it means for our lives and how we can embrace and embody this love in our relationships with others.

1. The Nature of God’s Unconditional Love:
God’s love is described in the Bible as agape love, a selfless, sacrificial love that seeks the highest good for others. This love is not dependent on our actions, our worthiness, or our flaws. It is given freely, abundantly, and without limits.

2. Experiencing God’s Unconditional Love:
When we truly grasp the reality of God’s unconditional love for us, it can be a transformative experience. It brings us a sense of acceptance, belonging, and worthiness that can only come from the Creator of the universe.

3. Extending God’s Love to Others:
Just as we have received God’s unconditional love, we are called to extend that same love to others. This means loving our neighbors as ourselves, showing grace and forgiveness, and embodying the compassion and kindness that God has shown us.

4. Overcoming Doubts and Fears:
In moments of doubt, fear, or insecurity, it can be easy to question whether we are truly loved by God. However, we can find comfort in knowing that God’s love is unwavering, unchanging, and steadfast, even in our darkest moments.

5. Living in the Light of God’s Love:
When we fully embrace God’s unconditional love, it empowers us to live boldly, authentically, and fearlessly. We can step into our true identity as beloved children of God, knowing that we are cherished beyond measure.

God’s unconditional love is a gift that is available to each and every one of us. It is a love that knows no bounds, no conditions, and no limits.

May we embrace this love with open hearts, extend it to others, and live in the light of God’s unfailing grace and compassion.

Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

Understanding the Life of Jesus

Jesus, also known as Jesus Christ, is a central figure in Christianity and is believed to be the Son of God who came to save humanity from sin.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem around 4 to 6 BC, and His birth was heralded by the appearance of a star, which guided the Wise Men to Him. He was raised in Nazareth by His mother Mary and stepfather Joseph, and little is known about His childhood until He began His public ministry around the age of 30.

During His ministry, Jesus traveled throughout the region, preaching the message of the kingdom of God and performing miracles such as healing the sick, raising the dead, and feeding the hungry. He also taught His followers about love, forgiveness, humility, and compassion, often using parables to convey spiritual truths in a relatable way.

One of the key aspects of Jesus’ life was His willingness to challenge the religious and political authorities of His time, calling out hypocrisy and injustice while emphasizing the importance of genuine faith and spiritual transformation. Despite facing opposition and persecution, Jesus remained steadfast in His mission to bring salvation and redemption to all people.

The culmination of Jesus’ life on earth was His crucifixion and resurrection, which Christians believe to be the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of humanity. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus conquered death and offered the gift of eternal life to all who believe in Him.

As we seek to understand the life of Jesus, we are inspired by His example of love, compassion, and selflessness. His teachings continue to resonate with people of all backgrounds and beliefs, inviting us to walk in His footsteps and strive to live lives of faith, hope, and service to others.

The life of Jesus is a powerful and transformative story that continues to impact millions of people around the world. By studying His teachings, following His example, and embracing His message of love and redemption, we can deepen our faith and draw closer to the divine presence of God. Let us strive to embody the spirit of Jesus in our lives and share His message of hope and salvation with all those we encounter.


Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

What does it mean to be truly loved by a higher power?

What Does It Mean to Be Truly Loved by a Higher Power? Exploring the Depths of Divine Love and Grace

The idea of being truly loved by a higher power is a concept that transcends human understanding and taps into the essence of divine grace, compassion, and unconditional acceptance. Many spiritual traditions and belief systems teach that we are deeply loved and cherished by a higher power, and that this love is steadfast, unwavering, and infinite in its capacity to heal, uplift, and transform our lives. But what does it truly mean to be loved by a higher power? Let’s explore this profound and transformative concept:

1. Unconditional Acceptance: One of the key aspects of being truly loved by a higher power is the idea of unconditional acceptance. This means that we are loved and valued not based on our actions, achievements, or flaws, but simply because of who we are at our core. Regardless of our shortcomings, mistakes, or imperfections, we are embraced and cherished by a divine presence that sees us in our entirety and loves us unconditionally, without judgment or conditions.

2. Infinite Compassion: Being truly loved by a higher power also means experiencing a depth of compassion and empathy that surpasses human understanding. This divine compassion flows through us, offering comfort, solace, and understanding in times of need and struggle. It is a source of healing and renewal, allowing us to experience grace and forgiveness for ourselves and others, and guiding us towards a path of growth, transformation, and spiritual evolution.

3. Divine Guidance: The love of a higher power is not passive or distant; it is an active force that guides us, supports us, and empowers us to live our lives with purpose, intention, and alignment with our true selves. This guidance may come in the form of intuition, inspiration, or signs and synchronicities that point us towards our highest good and deepest fulfillment. Trusting in this divine guidance allows us to navigate the challenges and uncertainties of life with faith, courage, and resilience.

4. Transformative Power: The love of a higher power is not merely a sentimental or abstract concept; it is a transformative force that has the power to heal, renew, and elevate our souls. When we open ourselves to this love and allow it to permeate every aspect of our being, we can experience profound shifts in consciousness, awareness, and connection to our inner truth and purpose. This transformative power invites us to live authentically, love fiercely, and serve others with compassion and grace.

Being truly loved by a higher power is a sacred and profound experience that invites us into a deeper relationship with the divine mystery of the universe. It calls us to open our hearts, minds, and souls to the infinite love, grace, and wisdom that flows through us and connects us to something greater than ourselves.

May we all embrace the transformative power of divine love, and may we be a source of love and light in the world, reflecting the infinite compassion and grace of a higher power in all that we do.


Apostle Shelia 

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

The Power of Prayer

Prayer is a powerful tool for connecting with God and deepening our spiritual relationship. It is a way to communicate our thoughts, emotions, and desires with the divine, seeking guidance, strength, and comfort. Through prayer, we can express gratitude for our blessings, seek forgiveness for our shortcomings, and ask for help in times of need.

Prayer is a practice found in many religions and spiritual traditions, serving as a means of worship, meditation, and reflection. It allows us to cultivate a sense of connection and intimacy with God, opening our hearts and minds to receive divine guidance and support.

When we pray, we are reminded of our dependence on God and our interconnectedness with the larger universe. It is a humbling and empowering experience that can bring us peace, clarity, and spiritual growth. By making prayer a regular part of our lives, we can deepen our relationship with God and find solace in times of doubt and uncertainty.

Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Minisries


God’s plan vs free will

The age-old philosophical debate between God’s plan and free will has been a source of contemplation, discussion, and even conflict for centuries. On the one hand, many religious traditions emphasize the idea that God has a predetermined plan for each individual and that His will ultimately guides the course of human destiny. On the other hand, the concept of free will asserts that humans have the ability to make choices and decisions independently of divine intervention, shaping their own lives through their actions and decisions.

1. Understanding God’s Plan: Many people find comfort and reassurance in the belief that God has a plan for their lives. This perspective can bring a sense of purpose, meaning, and direction to individuals facing challenges and uncertainties, reminding them that they are part of a larger, divine narrative. Trusting in God’s plan can offer solace in times of hardship, guiding individuals towards acceptance, surrender, and faith in the unfolding of their lives according to His design.

2. Embracing Free Will: The concept of free will acknowledges the agency and autonomy of human beings to make choices, exercise judgment, and shape their own destinies. This perspective emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility, accountability, and the power of individual choice in determining the course of one’s life. By embracing free will, individuals can actively engage in self-discovery, growth, and transformation, taking ownership of their actions and decisions and forging their own path in accordance with their values and beliefs.

3. Navigating the Intersection: The relationship between God’s plan and free will is a complex and nuanced one, inviting individuals to navigate the intersection between divine purpose and human choice. While some may see these concepts as conflicting or irreconcilable, others find harmony and balance in recognizing that God’s plan and free will can coexist in tandem, complementing rather than opposing each other.

4. Embracing Mystery and Paradox: Ultimately, the mystery of God’s plan versus free will invites us to embrace the paradoxes and complexities of the human experience, acknowledging that we may never fully understand the divine workings of the universe. It calls us to hold space for both trust in God’s providence and agency in our own lives, recognizing that while we may not have all the answers, we can find solace and wisdom in the tension between surrender and action.

The interplay between God’s plan and free will offers a profound and multifaceted lens through which to understand the complexities of human existence. By exploring the dynamics of divine purpose and human choice, we can cultivate a deeper sense of faith, resilience, and self-awareness, navigating the journey of life with humility, grace, and a willingness to embrace the mysteries of the universe. May we all find peace and clarity in the dance between God’s plan and free will, and may we trust in the wisdom of both divine guidance and human agency as we navigate the unfolding of our lives.

Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands