God’s Sovereignty

The Bible teaches us that God is sovereign over all things (Isaiah 46:10-11), but it also teaches us that humans have a responsibility to make choices (Deuteronomy 30:19). In fact, the Bible says that “what may be known about God is plain from what God has made” (Romans 1:19), implying that humans have the ability to seek after God and respond to Him.

The apostle John wrote that “whoever lives by the truth comes into light” (1 John 1:6), indicating that humans have the capacity to make choices based on truth and morality.

So how do we reconcile God’s sovereignty with human free will? The answer lies in understanding that our free will is not absolute, but it is still real. While our choices are influenced by various factors, they are not entirely determined by those factors.

God’s sovereignty does not cancel out our responsibility to make choices. Rather, it highlights His graciousness in giving us the capacity to respond to Him and live according to His will.

Ultimately, this paradox can only be understood through faith. We must trust that God is sovereign over all things and yet still believe that He has given us the gift of free will.

Apostle Shelia

Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

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