Archives February 2023


Resurrection is one ideal away from unlocking the gateway to your best life. It is one single step that will align you with the one action needed for exceptional transformation. By embracing this process within you, no matter which one of life’s challenging barriers you have faced in the past, with resurrection being your next step forward, understand that you are one move closer to breaking through and sculpting a profound, inspiring and life changing path ahead.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

CB Helping Hands Ministries

The Idea of Resurrection

Resurrection is one powerful ideal to strive for, one step away from a miraculous transformation of your life. The path of resurrection may seem daunting at first but one remarkable action towards your highest vision will make all the difference in achieving the next level of personal growth. As you move towards your best life, one by one the pieces begin to fall into place and what seemed like impossible dreams becoming tangible realities. Take the leap and make resurrection your next step – now is the time for greatness!

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

CB Helping Hands Ministries

God’s Unconditional Love

God is love in the purest form, and this characteristic should be a leadership principle for us. We ought to become the change that we seek in our lives by practicing patience, perseverance, kindness and courage in all aspects of life–in essence, becoming ancient wisdom. It is only through overcoming the challenges that life brings that we can understand God’s unconditional love and appreciate it deeply. By embracing God’s love, believing in its truest form, we can learn to have faith in ourselves and others around us more strongly than ever before. Thus we can make significant strides towards creating a better tomorrow through an understanding of what real leadership looks like.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

CB Helping Hands Ministries

God brings blessings

We all make mistakes and endure struggles in one way or another, but it doesn’t mean our lives have to suffer because of them. God is one ideal that allows us to turn our mess into a message that can truly inspire and uplift those around us. We are one step, one action away from achieving our best life and changing the world we live in. Through transformation, God brings amazing lessons and blessings into our lives often found in the most unexpected places — showing us that nothing is impossible when we trust in Him.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

CB Helping Hands Ministries

Feel inspired by His presence

Transformation is one of the most powerful and rewarding experiences one can explore. If you take one step towards God, He will take one giant leap towards you, granting you a journey of a lifetime and one that goes beyond the norms of society. This transformative experience can help to fulfill your one ideal; one goal, one step and one action away from your best life. With His guidance and strength, God is able to not just help change our outlook, but our entire being as well. He is able to restore us back to the person He intended us to be – a meaningful experience that can bring profound levels of peace, joy and serenity.

Feel inspired by His presence today; be changed by His remarkable love.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

CB Helping Hands Ministries

Believing God

When we consider that God is a powerful and loving force, one that can transform our lives in miraculous ways, one that can lead us in paths of righteousness, one cannot help but be filled with anticipation. He is one ideal away from the life we dream of living; one step away from the person He created us to be. With one action taken, one bold step forward towards transformation, we can take control of our own destiny and begin the road to achieving greater things both spiritually and temporally.

Believing that God has blessed us with an unimaginable power to make any change we desire within ourselves, we can confidently advance towards becoming closer to what He has desired for our lives since before the dawn of time.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

CB Helping Hands Ministries

Transformation through God

Have you ever felt like there’s something missing from your life, a sense of incomplete fulfilment? Have you ever wondered why you’re so unsatisfied with the circumstances of your life and long for something more, but have no idea what that ‘something more’ is? It can be disappointing when we put our efforts into searching for happiness and success externally yet feel unfulfilled. However, one ideal we can hold onto is that we each have one step, one action away from our best life: transformation through God. He has created us all with a unique purpose and longing to fill, and knows just how to place us where we ought to be. If you allow Him to work within you, then God is able to transform you into the person He desires for you to become.

With one call and one turn towards Him will begin your journey on an inspiring and life changing road which will lead you onto finding who you are truly meant to be.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

CB Helping Hands Ministries

Transformation starts within

Oftentimes we fail to recognize that one ideal, one step and one action is all that stands between us and our best life. Transformation starts within; it begins with us taking ownership of one tiny but powerful choice every day that takes us closer to inner peace and personal contentment. While it may be easy to blame God or the universe for mishaps in our lives, it is far more rewarding to accept that when taken into account with a proper perspective, our misfortunes can in fact become blessings beyond what we dare hope for ourselves.

Focusing on these little nuggets of hope one by one will allow the divine power of God to work its magic and help you achieve a sense of fulfilment from the mistakes you once found disheartening.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

CB Helping Hands Ministries

Transformation with God

Transformation may seem like an outlandish and dated concept in today’s society, one that one must take a long journey through in order to obtain, however this is not the case when it comes to one’s relationship with God. No matter your mistakes, he is one ideal and one action away from transforming them into blessings in your life journey. Strike the decision of taking one step towards growth and progress each day in faith and courage, proving that you are one action away from your best life. 

Incorporating transformation into your daily lifestyle will no doubt be challenging, however as long as you don’t forget that God is able to take any situation and worked wonders out of it in his mercy, great life changes will follow.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

CB Helping Hands Ministries

Transformation with God

Transformation may seem like an outlandish and dated concept in today’s society, one that one must take a long journey through in order to obtain, however this is not the case when it comes to one’s relationship with God. No matter your mistakes, he is one ideal and one action away from transforming them into blessings in your life journey. Strike the decision of taking one step towards growth and progress each day in faith and courage, proving that you are one action away from your best life. 

Incorporating transformation into your daily lifestyle will no doubt be challenging, however as long as you don’t forget that God is able to take any situation and worked wonders out of it in his mercy, great life changes will follow.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

CB Helping Hands Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands