Archives March 2024

Exploring the nature of God

 The concept of God is one of the most profound and complex ideas that humans have grappled with throughout history. From the early civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia to modern-day religious traditions, the idea of a higher power or divine being has been a central aspect of human culture and belief systems.

Different religions and philosophical traditions offer various perspectives on the nature of God, reflecting the diverse ways in which humans have sought to understand and connect with the divine.

Many of the world’s major religions, such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, are monotheistic, believing in the existence of one supreme, all-powerful God. These religions teach that God is the creator of the universe, the source of all life, and the ultimate authority over all things.

In Christianity, God is often described as a loving and merciful being who is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Christians believe in the Trinity – God as three persons in one entity: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

In Islam, Allah is the one true God, characterized by attributes of mercy, compassion, and justice. Muslims believe in the oneness of God and the importance of submitting to his will as a way of achieving salvation.

Judaism also teaches monotheism, with God being the central figure in Jewish faith and tradition. Jews believe in a covenant with God, following his commandments and teachings as outlined in the Torah.

Polytheistic Beliefs: Gods and Goddesses of Many Forms

On the other end of the spectrum are polytheistic religions, which believe in the existence of multiple gods and goddesses, each representing different aspects of life, nature, and the cosmos. Polytheistic belief systems can be found in ancient traditions such as Hinduism, Greek mythology, and indigenous cultures around the world.

In Hinduism, for example, there are countless deities and divine beings, each playing a specific role in the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Gods like Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are worshipped as different manifestations of the supreme, formless Brahman.

In Greek mythology, gods and goddesses such as Zeus, Hera, and Athena ruled over the heavens, earth, and sea, embodying various qualities and powers that shaped the world and human destiny.

Pantheistic and Panentheistic Views: God in All and Beyond All

Pantheism and panentheism offer alternative perspectives on the nature of God, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the divine with the natural world and the universe at large.

Pantheism teaches that God is identical with the universe, that all things are part of God, and God is present in all things. This holistic view of God sees divinity in nature, humanity, and the cosmos as a whole.

Panentheism, on the other hand, posits that God is both immanent within creation and transcendent beyond it. God is intimately present in all things, yet also exists beyond the physical world, encompassing all of reality within his being.

Exploring these different perspectives on the nature of God invites us to consider the vast, mysterious, and awe-inspiring qualities of the divine. Whether monotheistic, polytheistic, pantheistic, or panentheistic, the idea of God serves as a source of solace, inspiration, and wonder for countless individuals seeking meaning, purpose, and connection in their lives. By exploring the nature of God, we open ourselves to a deeper understanding of the complexities and mysteries of the divine, enriching our spiritual journey and expanding our capacity for awe and reverence.

Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

Finding God’s Presence in Everyday Moments

Finding God’s presence in everyday moments is not about grand gestures or elaborate displays of spirituality. It is about recognizing the beauty and sacredness in the simple, mundane moments of life – a warm cup of coffee on a chilly morning, a smile from a stranger, a beautiful sunset that paints the sky with vibrant colors.

God’s presence can be found in the laughter of children, the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind, and the soothing rhythm of waves crashing against the shore. It is in the quiet moments of contemplation and gratitude that we can feel His guiding hand and comforting embrace.

By cultivating mindfulness and awareness in our daily routines, we can train our hearts and minds to be attuned to the whispers of God’s presence. Taking a moment to offer a silent prayer of thanks for the blessings in our lives, or to acknowledge His handiwork in the beauty of nature, can help us strengthen our connection to Him.

In those moments when we feel lost, anxious, or overwhelmed, recognizing God’s presence can bring us a sense of peace and reassurance. His love is ever-present, waiting for us to open ourselves up to His grace and guidance.

So, as you go about your day, take a moment to pause, breathe, and invite God into your heart. You may be surprised at the ways in which His presence manifests itself in the most unexpected places and times. Embrace the beauty of finding God in everyday moments and allow His love to illuminate your path.

Apostle Shelia

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

SBI Ministries


Moses was a prominent figure in the history of the Jewish people as well as in the history of Christianity and Islam. According to the Bible, Moses was born in Egypt during a time when the Israelites were enslaved by the Egyptians. His mother, Jochebed, placed him in a basket and floated him down the Nile River in order to save his life. He was found by Pharaoh’s daughter and raised in the royal court.

As an adult, Moses was called by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and into the promised land of Canaan. Moses and his brother Aaron confronted Pharaoh and demanded the release of the Israelites, but Pharaoh refused. This led to a series of plagues being unleashed on Egypt until Pharaoh finally relented and allowed the Israelites to leave.

Moses led the Israelites through the wilderness for 40 years, during which time he received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai. He also established the Tabernacle, a portable sanctuary where the Israelites could worship God. However, Moses was not without his faults, as he sometimes struggled with his faith and disobedience to God’s commands.

Moses died before the Israelites reached the promised land, but his legacy lived on through Joshua, who succeeded him as leader of the Israelites. Moses is remembered as a great prophet and deliverer of his people, and his story is one of the most well-known and respected in religious history.


Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

The Origin of Black People in the Bible

The Bible is a religious text that holds significant spiritual and moral teachings for many people around the world. While the Bible does not specifically provide a detailed account of the origin and history of black people, there are passages and stories that have been interpreted and discussed in relation to people of African descent.

One verse that is often cited in discussions about black people and the Bible is the story of Noah’s sons in the book of Genesis. Some interpretations suggest that the descendants of Ham, one of Noah’s sons, are associated with the African continent, and therefore, it is believed by some that black people have their origins in Ham’s lineage.

Another important figure in the Bible often linked to African ancestry is the Queen of Sheba, who is mentioned in the Old Testament. Sheba is believed to have been a queen of an ancient kingdom believed to be in the region of present-day Ethiopia or Yemen.

Additionally, the Bible includes references to people from various regions, including Africa, such as the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt, which is located in northeastern Africa.

It is important to note that interpretations of biblical passages and their connection to the history of black people are varied and can be influenced by cultural, historical, and religious perspectives.

It is always recommended to approach these topics with an open mind and consult with scholars and experts in biblical studies for a deeper understanding.


Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

Miraculous Wonders: The Divine Intervention at the Red Sea

The story of the miraculous parting of the Red Sea is one of the most well-known and awe-inspiring accounts of divine intervention in history. As described in the Bible, the Israelites, led by Moses, fled from the pursuing Egyptian army and faced the seemingly insurmountable obstacle of the Red Sea.

In a moment of divine intervention, the waters miraculously parted, allowing the Israelites to cross safely to the other side before the waters came crashing down upon their enemies, delivering a powerful message of faith, redemption, and divine protection.

We will delve into the story of this extraordinary event, explore its significance in religious and spiritual contexts, and reflect on the enduring message of hope and faith that it continues to inspire.

The miraculous parting of the Red Sea is a testament to the power and presence of the Divine in the lives of believers. As the Israelites stood at the edge of the sea, with the Egyptian army closing in behind them, they cried out to God for help. In a moment of unfathomable wonder, the waters of the Red Sea parted, allowing a path of dry land to form, enabling the Israelites to cross safely to the other side.

This miraculous event not only saved the Israelites from certain doom but also served as a powerful demonstration of God’s sovereignty, protection, and ability to work wonders beyond human comprehension. The parting of the Red Sea was a manifestation of divine power, a symbol of hope and redemption for the Israelites, and a testament to the faithfulness of God in the face of adversity.

The story of the parting of the Red Sea holds profound spiritual significance and timeless lessons for believers of all faiths. It reminds us of the importance of unwavering faith, trust, and obedience in the face of seemingly impossible circumstances. It teaches us that God’s timing and ways are beyond our understanding, and that miracles can happen when we place our trust in the Divine.

The miracle of the Red Sea also teaches us about the power of liberation, redemption, and deliverance from oppression. It serves as a reminder that even in our darkest moments, God is with us, guiding us through the turbulent waters of life and leading us towards freedom, salvation, and a brighter future.

The story of the parting of the Red Sea is a timeless testament to the miracles, wonders, and boundless love of the Divine. It serves as a beacon of hope, inspiration, and faith for believers around the world, reminding us that God works in mysterious and miraculous ways to protect, guide, and deliver us from harm.

As we reflect on this extraordinary event, let us be reminded of the power of faith, the beauty of divine intervention, and the enduring message of hope and redemption that the parting of the Red Sea continues to offer to all who seek solace, strength, and spiritual guidance in their journey of faith.

May we be inspired by the miraculous wonders of the Red Sea, and may we continue to trust in the power of the Divine to lead us through the waters of life, towards a future filled with blessings, grace, and divine protection.

Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands

C.B. Helping Hands