The divine spirit within

You have the strength, courage and wisdom to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit that operates inside of you.

This power can unlock your destiny and open up paths of transformation. You have the ability to conquer any challenge and unleash your full potential – you just need to trust in yourself and the divine spirit within. You are capable of incredible things; it is time to let go of any doubts or fears you may have and to embrace your ability to achieve greatness in all areas of your life.

You have the power to overcome, no matter what stands on your way.

Apostle Shelia

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

SBI Ministries

With God’s Guidance

Transformation is one of the most powerful and rewarding experiences one can explore.

If you take one step towards God, He will take one giant leap towards you, granting you a journey of a lifetime and one that goes beyond the norms of society. This transformative experience can help to fulfill your one ideal; one goal, one step and one action away from your best life. With His guidance and strength, God is able to not just help change our outlook, but our entire being as well. He is able to restore us back to the person He intended us to be – a meaningful experience that can bring profound levels of peace, joy and serenity.

Feel inspired by His presence today; be changed by His remarkable love.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

C.B Helping Hands Ministries

SBI Ministries

The will of God

1 Chronicles 20 is a powerful chapter in the book of Chronicles, reminding us of the authority and power that comes from trusting in God’s process. In this chapter, we witness a revolutionary change that occurred through the will of God, as the Israelites defeated the Ammonites and other enemy forces through the power of prayer and obedience. As we read through this chapter, we are reminded to have faith in God’s plan, even when it seems like the odds are against us. Through His divine power, we too can achieve extraordinary things when we trust His process and submit to His will.

May we all be inspired by the lessons found in 1 Chronicles 20, and may we seek to harness the power of God in our own lives.

Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

Spiritual Revival

The book of 1 Chronicles 30 encompasses a message of power, authority, and revolutionary change. It is a reminder to trust in God and the process, knowing that faith and patience will produce results beyond our wildest dreams. In this chapter, the people of Israel come together to celebrate the Passover, uniting as one under the authority of King Hezekiah. They recognize the need for spiritual revival and take action to bring about change. The power of this story lies in its message of hope and redemption, proving that no obstacle is too great when we trust in God.

It encourages us to take a leap of faith and embrace the process of transformation, knowing that it will lead us to a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries


Willingness to embrace change

  1 Chronicles 30 is a testament to the power and authority of revolutionary change. In our pursuit to make a difference, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the obstacles that stand in our way. However, the story reminds us to trust in God and the process – to have faith in the outcome, no matter how uncertain it may seem. This chapter is a call to action – a reminder that with determination and a willingness to embrace change, we can transform ourselves and the world around us.

So let us take to heart the lessons of 1 Chronicles 30 and make a bold and lasting impact with our lives.


Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries


God has a purpose for our lives

Jeremiah 29:11 is a powerful and inspiring verse that has touched the lives of countless individuals throughout history. With a tone of strength and encouragement, this verse reminds us that God has a plan for our lives and that we can trust in His guidance and provision. Whether we are facing struggles or uncertainties, we can find hope in the promise of Jeremiah 29:11, knowing that God has a purpose for our lives and that He is working all things together for our good.

So let us hold fast to this truth and be compelled to trust in God’s plan for our lives, no matter what may come our way.

Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries



We are loved and valued by our Creator

Jeremiah 29:11 is a verse that speaks to the very core of our being. It is a reminder that God has plans for our lives, plans to prosper us and give us hope for the future. This is a message that we all need to hear, especially in times of uncertainty and hardship. When we feel lost or discouraged, we can hold onto this promise, knowing that God is in control and has a purpose for our lives. So let us embrace this truth with a strong and encouraging spirit, knowing that we are loved and valued by our Creator. Let us trust in His plan and let His promises fuel our hope and courage.

For in Jeremiah 29:11 we find a compelling reason to keep pressing on, even when the road ahead seems unclear.

Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries


Trust in God’s plan

Jeremiah 29:11 is a powerful and inspiring verse that has touched the lives of countless individuals throughout history. With a tone of strength and encouragement, this verse reminds us that God has a plan for our lives and that we can trust in His guidance and provision. Whether we are facing struggles or uncertainties, we can find hope in the promise of Jeremiah 29:11, knowing that God has a purpose for our lives and that He is working all things together for our good.

So let us hold fast to this truth and be compelled to trust in God’s plan for our lives, no matter what may come our way.

Apostle Shelia 

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

Jeremiah’s words

Jeremiah 29:11 is a powerful promise from God that speaks to us all, filled with strength, encouragement, and conviction. As we read those words and let them sink in, we understand that our lives are not left to chance, but are guided by a loving and wise Creator who has a plan for us, a dream that is beyond what we can imagine. This promise is not just for the Israelites to whom Jeremiah spoke, but for throughout generations. It is a timeless reminder that we have a purpose, a destination, and a hope that we can hold onto even in the darkest of moments.

So no matter where we are in our journey, let us take heart in Jeremiah’s words and move forward with faith and confidence that our future is one of promise and purpose.


Apostle Shelia

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

For I know you the plans I have for you

The words of Jeremiah 29:11 are some of the most inspiring in all of scripture. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” These words are a powerful reminder that no matter what trials or challenges we may face in life, God has a plan for our lives and it is a good one. We can trust in His timing and His ways, knowing that He is with us each step of the way.

So let us hold fast to the promises of our Heavenly Father and step boldly into the future, for the plans He has for us are greater than we could ever imagine.

Apostle Shelia 

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands