Apostle Shelia Gail Benjamin Inusah was born June 8, 1962 in Oliver Springs,Tennessee to the late Mr. & Mrs. Reverend Chester and Sister Dorothy Benjamin along with her six sisters and brothers. She is the youngest of seven children. She is an anointed women of God who not only preaches the Word of God but believes in the power of God. She believes that the Word of God will and can empower, inspire, heal, deliver, restore, enrich, encourage, motivate,educate,transform, and elevate every believer in the kingdom. She is dedicated to the great commission of spreading the gospel around the world. She is the founder of C.B. Helping Hands Ministries founded in the loving memory of her father, to carry out the legacy of love to a lost and dying world. She serves as an Apostle / Overseer for CBHHM, a Pastor, Teacher, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach , Events planner and has faithfully done so for over 35 years. She is currently the Senior Pastor of C.B. Helping Hands Ministries in Grants, New Mexico, and Apostle overseer of the CBHHM movement world-wide, with various locations in New Mexico, Jacksonville, Florida, Indiana, Texas, her hometown Oliver Springs,Tennessee, Liberia, Ghana Africa. She also founded and built C.B. International School in Ghana Africa, where children are provided a christian education in a christian environment. She has been all over the world speaking, teaching and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. She has been in Liberia and Ghana planting churches, and building wells. Where ever there is hopelessness you will find her there fighting to bring light, love, and hope to those in need. She is an entrepreneur at heart and a well-respected business owner of three plus successful businesses. Aside from her various servant duties she is co-owner and CEO of one of the largest Medical Billing Company in the Southeast. she is also well-learned and well-traveled. She has traveled the world as a world-renowned motivational / Inspirational speaker for Fortune 500 companies. She is a well-respected nurse for over 2o years. She has won many awards for her outstanding service and outreach worldwide. Completed Potters House Serita Jakes enrichment program, John Maxwell training certifications, Real estate agent. Attended Tusculum College, Regent College, as well as holds a PhD in Theology, among many other certifications and trainings.corper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.