Archives June 2023

The silence of God

As a person of faith, there are moments when we may feel like God is not speaking to us. It can be a humbling and discomforting experience when the power that we rely on seems to be dormant. However, it is in these quiet moments that our faith is tested. It takes authority and conviction to maintain belief when there seems to be no visible proof. But, instead of being discouraged, this can be an opportunity for revolutionary change within ourselves. It calls for an introspective process of self-discover and reflection. It’s a time to focus on building our own spiritual foundation, to meditate, and spot inwards.

Because at the end of the day, the silence of God may not be a punishment or a rejection; it may be an invitation for a deeper, more meaningful relationship with our faith.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

What do you do when God is silent?

It’s a question that has echoed through the ages, causing many to doubt, question, and even turn away from their faith. But in those moments, it’s essential to remember that true faith doesn’t rely on the audible voice of the divine.

On the contrary, the power and authority of God, even when silent, can lead to revolutionary change. We see it in the stories of the faithful that have come before us, from Job to David to Mother Teresa.

So when God seems distant, it’s an opportunity to draw closer, to seek His guidance in new and different ways, and to strengthen our faith in the knowledge that He is always present, even when He’s not speaking.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

Seek God in the midst of our struggles

When we enter times where we cannot see or feel God, it can be unsettling. However, it is crucial to remember that God’s power and authority extend far beyond our physical and emotional senses. His presence is not limited by our perceptions, and His love for us is unwavering. Even in the midst of uncertainty, we can trust that God is still working in revolutionary ways that we may not yet see. It is during these times that our faith is strengthened, and we learn to rely on God’s promises more deeply. We may not always understand His plans, but we can rest assured that He is constantly working to bring about the good in our lives.

So let us continue to seek Him in the midst of our struggles, with the assurance that He is still present and working in our lives.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

God is with us

Joshua 1:9 is a powerful verse that exemplifies the authority and revolutionary change that comes with trusting God. This verse urges us to be strong and courageous no matter the circumstances we face, for God is with us. With this trust in God comes a newfound power that can help us overcome any obstacle. In our daily lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the minutia of the day to day, but Joshua 1:9 reminds us to stay focused on our faith and trust in the higher power.

When we operate from this place of unwavering trust, we have the ability to bring about revolutionary change in our lives and the lives of those around us.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

2 Chronicles 20

SBI Ministries Blogs

2 Chronicles 20 is a testament to the power and authority of trusting God and the process. King Jehoshaphat faced daunting odds, as his kingdom was threatened by a coalition of enemies. But rather than give into fear and despair, he turned to God for guidance and support. What followed was a revolutionary change – a strategic victory won without weapons or bloodshed. The story is a reminder that true strength lies not in military might or political savvy, but in our faith in something greater than ourselves.

When we trust in God and the process, we unlock a power and authority that can change the course of history.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

SBI Ministries

C.B Helping Hands Ministries

We can find strength in His promises

Joshua 1:9 is a powerful reminder that we have the authority to make revolutionary changes in our lives when we trust in God’s plan for us.

We can find strength in His promises, knowing that He will never leave us nor forsake us. As we face new challenges and uncertainties, we can rest assured that we are not alone. With God’s guidance and presence, we can conquer any obstacle that comes our way.

So let us take hold of our power and trust in our Creator, for He has great things in store for us.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

SBI Ministries

 Trust in the higher power

Joshua 1:9 is a powerful verse that exemplifies the authority and revolutionary change that comes with trusting God.

This verse urges us to be strong and courageous no matter the circumstances we face, for God is with us. With this trust in God comes a newfound power that can help us overcome any obstacle. In our daily lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the minutia of the day to day, but Joshua 1:9 reminds us to stay focused on our faith and trust in the higher power.

When we operate from this place of unwavering trust, we have the ability to bring about revolutionary change in our lives and the lives of those around us.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

God and His promise is the key

Joshua 1:9 has become one of the most powerful and meaningful scriptures over the years. Its message of strength, authority, and courage has inspired countless individuals to take action and embrace the revolutionary change that God has in store for them. Trusting in God and His process is the key to unlocking the power within us. Built upon this foundation, we have the ability to make a lasting impact in our communities and beyond. 

So let us all take note from Joshua 1:9 and confidently move forward towards our divine purpose and destiny.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

SBI Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

C.B. Helping Hands