Building our own spiritual foundation


As a person of faith, there are moments when we may feel like God is not speaking to us. It can be a humbling and discomforting experience when the power that we rely on seems to be dormant. However, it is in these quiet moments that our faith is tested. It takes authority and conviction to maintain belief when there seems to be no visible proof. But, instead of being discouraged, this can be an opportunity for revolutionary change within ourselves. It calls for an introspective process of self-discover and reflection. It’s a time to focus on building our own spiritual foundation, to meditate, and spot inwards.

Because at the end of the day, the silence of God may not be a punishment or a rejection; it may be an invitation for a deeper, more meaningful relationship with our faith.


Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

SBI Ministries