Dare to unleash the power and authority that comes from within

Within every single one of us lies an incredible power. A power that comes from our creator, God. The authority that flows through us has been placed there for a purpose, and that purpose is nothing short of revolutionary change. Trusting in God and the process means trusting in ourselves, allowing the greatness on the inside to burst forth and illuminate the world around us. So let us not be afraid to embrace all that we are, and dare to unleash the power and authority that comes from within. With God on our side, there is no mountain we cannot climb, no challenge we cannot overcome. For we are all called to be agents of change, makers of history, and bearers of the light.

So let us step forth, with our heads held high, knowing that the power of God within us is stronger than anything the world can throw our way.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

SBI Ministries