God will protect us

Isaiah 54:11-17 is a passage in the Bible that speaks to the power and authority that is available to us through trust in God. This passage is a call to embrace revolutionary change and to trust in God to see us through the process. It paints a picture of a powerful and just God who will protect us from our enemies and provide for us in ways we could never imagine. When we trust in God and the process of transformation, we are given power and authority that transcends human understanding. This passage is a reminder to put our trust in God, even in the midst of difficult times, and to allow Him to work in us and through us to bring about His will. In doing so, we can experience the power and authority of God that brings about revolutionary change in our lives and in the world around us.

Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

C.B. Helping Hands Ministries

SBI Ministries