To remind us who he is. No one can promote you like God can! How are you responding to your challenges? If you are a candidate for a miracle you have to have a problem. They draw you closer to God, How to respond. Go up or give up, turn to God or man. The crisis will show you who you are depending on God. David got God’s attention, God knows what’s best for me. Sometimes I am all over the place, I will make bad decisions. I can’t trust myself with myself. Prov. 3:5 Do not lean on your own understanding Listen to God David had some flaws but God showed up anyway. He is a reward of those who diligently seek him. Cry out to God, but James said draw near to him. Do something God told David Go! Go David it’s already yours. The husband is there, the business is there, the breakthrough is there. God said go gt it walk by faith. God has already made it happen walk it out. Ask and it shall be given. follow my commandments. We are fighting from victory not for victory. We are promised blessings, we are the seed of Abraham and joint heirs with Jesus. What God gave Jesus is available to you. Walk by faith. Can God trust you with troubles? Does God know you will give him the Glory? God’s word never changes, I can stand on his promise. David asked for Godly direction, you must decide what you believe about God. You get a bad report from the doctor, God has already made a way. You will respond on what you believe. You wont move forward if you have unbelief. David moves on faith not what he saw. Make a decision now, you can’t buy your way out and press you way through. Things are a lesson or test pass the test or retake the test. David has to go through a process. Don’t stop in the middle of the process you will get the victory. Sometimes we face the same crisis. David did not know what to do he was a freshman now he is a senior. Now on solid food not milk. God did it before he will do it again. A shift is taking place you have grown in your faith.
And she gave birth to her Son, Her First born; and she wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room or place for them in the inn. A very familiar text that is often used for sermons at Christmas.
Every day for believers we are reminded that every day is Christmas yet we forget to leave the light on as the Motel 8 commercial comes on and says I will leave the light on for you. In our fast pace Busy World we seem to push Jesus out of our lives and put him on the back burner.
Some have put Him off the stove and that is dangerous, seems like the world has taken Jesus off the stove when we took prayer out of school. Start to call right wrong and wrong right. When we redefined marriage.
When we no longer put love over everything else.
No Room for them in the inn, Have you left some Room for God?
Do we give our best to everything else and give God the rest, the leftovers?
There was no room in the inn, there was a big concert in town, Beyonce was in town, Rogers was in town and there was an NBA game in town.
In Bethlehem the crowd was there for paying taxes. The place was just too busy for the Savior, but the Savior was not too busy for you.
Salvation is more important than sales.
Eternity is more important than profit.
The Master is more important than money.
What crowds Jesus out of your life?
I was trying to take a picture and my phone said, you are out of storage.
You must make room by deleting some files.
What do you have to get rid of to make room for Jesus?
Jesus I am standing at the door and knocking.
If you let me into your heart I will give you your heart desires.
I will open up the windows of Heaven and pour you out a blessing.Let me in and I will wipe the tears from your eyes.
I am the Good Shepherd.David let me in, Listen to what he said:The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not lack.He feed, guide, and shield me.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.He restores my life, with Him I have no fear.
He takes care of my enemies.Surely only goodness, mercy and unfailing love shall follow me all days of my life.Make room for Jesus Now.
He knows the plans for your life, to give you a future. Living with no worries, Lord has given us comfort in trying times. Though we are in trouble, he came with an encouraging word. Why do we spend time worrying and causing trouble for one another? We have to move forward and do not look back. You can’t change it, God has more for us but it’s in front of us not behind us. God has me on his mind as I go through and he will get me there. I am totally dependant on God I can’t make it on my own. You have to ask open your mouth, yes he knows but he wants to communicate with you. Don’t wait until you are in trouble to talk with God. It’s about a relationship. Talk to God when things are going good put your plans aside. Must be about our fathers business to be used by God. Allow God to accomplish his purpose through you. God knows what he is doing, he will place people in your life for a season, for his purpose. It may not be for a lifetime, living life without worry who is living in you? That’s why we don’t need to worry. Elder Robinson
It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer and while they are still speaking I will hear.
“ It’s already Done”
In the book of James, it says that we have not because we ask not and when we do ask we ask with the wrong motives. In the book of Romans it tells us that we do not know what to pray for and that Jesus is our intercessor. In life we are hesitant to go and talk to other people we are just not sure what they’re going to say we have no idea . So sometime we Just don’t ask.
But there is one person with whom we need never hesitate to make a request. What did God say to us about coming to him? In today’s verse he said that the answer to your prayer is already prepared before you pray. Now that says a lot about the God we serve a God that is omniscient a God that is omnipresent which means that he knows all he is everywhere and has all power in his hands.
Your prayers do not surprise God. Prayers does not begin with what we ask but with what God has prepared. Lloyd Ogilvie said:
God has more prepared for us then we are prepared to ask. Prayer is seeking God with all our hearts.
Psalm 37:4
Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Focus, Fight and Finish: Matthew 11:12 and 1st Corinthians 2:9-12 Let’s talk about Focus it is the state or quality of having or producing clear visual clarity. To pay particular attention to. We are going to pay attention to the Word of God, this is our focus. Knowing that we have clarity of the Word because we have studied the Word and received revelation of the Word through the Holy Spirit. Fight means to have a violent confrontation or struggle. We can not fight a spiritual battle with carnal weapons . Matthew 11:12 says, and from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffer the violence, and the violent takers by force. So we are fighting with the Word of God, it is our Sword. You can’t take a knife to a gun fight and expect to win, so why take a gun to a Word fight because the battle belongs to God! We pray his Word to him and he fights on our behalf. Finish is the end, the blood finishes it all, it saves, it heals and it delivers and set fee. Because we are covered by the blood of Jesus the one who being sin free, paid the price for our sins, that’s love! Let us stay focus( keep our eyes on the prize, Jesus. ) Fight with our sword the Word of God and let the Blood of Jesus finish it!
Saul was a Hebrew a citizen of Rome coming home as a Christian he was respected as a scholar before but now on the Lord’s side they want to kill him. They laughed at him preaching you can be saved by grace alone. Until faith comes home it does not matter. The devil doesn’t mind you playing church but when you go home, where is your faith? We come home and curse and fight and doubt. Paul on his way home encounter some problems when you bring your faith home all hell breaks loose. Paul come to tell them a life changed experience a revolutionary idea change the word message. He begins to argue that Christ is more than some guy who did on the cross. He came to tell Rome that what excess this grace by faith not my works, not by you shouting running down the aisle no better how good you are by faith do you believe how to get healed how do you prosper? how do you love your haters? By faith by faith you are just by faith Paul preaching the power of faith. Paul the important man coming to an important place to change the world. An appointed time by God the right person at the right time at the right place. The devil tried to delay Paul. You need to show up and say I am here. God can’t bless you if you are not there. Show up for the fight you may be scared they don’t like you but show up for the fight.
Romans 5:2
Rejoicing in hope of the glory of God. This is how we survive get some word in you when I say the Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want you are more than a conqueror I got a feeling everything is going to be alright. Weeping may endure for a night but Joy comes in the morning. We can endure today because of hope for tomorrow. That’s why God said in Jeremiah 29:11 I know the plans for your lie to prosper you and not harm you. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ. We are hard to kill hard to get down and stay down. We walk by faith, things will get better we rejoice not in where we are but in where we are going. But in the text Paul said we must learn to rejoice in trouble. We can shout when everything is alright when we have the man when we have the woman when I get a good doctor report when all the kids graduate from college. But what about the one that’s on drugs can’t seem to get it together. God is looking for some real worshipers, that’s the true test of our faith. Test our belief system. God said you would have tribulations but be of good cheer I have overcome the world. Now Paul said in Romans 5:6 when we were without strength Christ died for the ungodly. You know right from wrong you know you should not cheat on them I should have not slapped them I should not have stolen that joy from them. I had no strength I yielded to temptation. Christ died for the weak hurting people like you and me People that can’t get it together the church is for the sick not the well and we all are sick and weak in some area of life. We cover up our sickness when you go to the doctor he ask you what is wrong, are you hurting? Stop covering up everything get naked before God I know you are saying God knows yes but he wants you to remind him he just wants a relationship with you. Just to be close to you. That’s why James said you have not because you ask not. Jesus even asked the blind man what do you want? I want to see! Jesus is talking to you today, what do you want? Our relationship with God should not be based on circumstances, based on people in your life. God will test you to see why you are worshiping him. God is a jealous God you will lose everything just to see your faith. Paul said he died for the ungodly that’s enough to rejoice when I have and don’t have because if he does not do anything else, he has already done enough. Paul had a message to bring to the people and you have a message to bring to your family. It’s the word of God, let your family know yes it rains on the just and the unjust. Don’t lose heart trouble will come but God will be there with you. Weeping may endure for a night but Joy comes in the morning.
God loved us so much that he sent his Son (Jesus) to die for our sins! He didn’t love us because we are beautiful or fine or that we got it going on ! None of this mattered to him, He knew we were tore up from the floor up. But, he loved us in spite of who or what we are. Listen, he looked beyond our faults and saw our needs! He sacrificed his Son for us, and his Son gave his life for us. What more does he need to do to prove to you that He cares for you. Be Encouraged, He loves you!
This is a leap year, I knew that 2020 was going to be different. Expect more, expect greater, God has already done it Matthew 14:20-32. Faith to keep our eyes on Jesus I have had some storms, setbacks we all have. BUT GOD will see us through. I looked at my calendar we have 29 days in February he gave us an extra day. What does it mean to jump, to leap? To jump with a great force a quick movement take a leap of faith no matter what vision is going on around you. Get out of the boat the storms are there, they are afraid, what are you afraid of? We can trust God, you are in danger, the waves are there…just keep your eyes on Jesus. He is there, take a chance, leap of faith, leap to your destiny, leap to the top, leap for greater, leap in your marriage. Your baby is leaping when Mary and Elizabeth got together when bother were expecting. Their babies leap the power of the Holy Spirit on the inside. Time to attempt great things for God. You will have doubters have some midnight days God allows them to happen to show his power. Time for the baby to leap Peter took the leap of faith he trust Christ are you going to be scared? God did not give the spirit of fear but of sound mind. God is calling you to lep in 2020. Don’t get distracted or discouraged. He took his eyes off of Jesus and started to look at the problems. That’s the trick of the devil Don’t take your eyes off of Jesus. We want to quit, we want to give up. Shake off the distraction he has my back, we know that weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. Don’t let the distractions pull you away from your destiny. The storm is passing over Don’t make the storm bigger than your God. He is bigger the storm is only a test it will test your faith do not adjust your set it’s just a test. Call on the name of Jesus the name above every name. Power in that name, Peter had a short prayer Lord save med! Before I was born God had a plan for me that’s why you are not going to drown. We should have drowned by now, but God is our lifeguard. I take the leap of faith he has already provided a safe net. Your healing, your deliverance, your breakthrough, this is leap year 2020 Jump in! We have work to do God wants to leap you into your future God wants to accelerate your blessings.
There is good news and there is bad news. The good news is that god’s grace is free and unlimited to you.
The bad news is that so many of us are trying to earn grace through what we do we perform and perform thinking that we must in order for God to love us. We don’t need to perform. When Jesus ministered to people was it based on their goodness, not at all. He instructed his disciples to all for what they had, to those who like the means of repayment. Jesus said invite someone to dinner that can not invite you back to dinner.
Sometimes we feel like we don’t deserve God’s grace. The truth of the matter is we don’t deserve it but he gives it anyway God’s grace is available when everything in your life is going well God’s grace is available when everything in your life is not going so well. You will hit storms in your life in the book of Matthew Peter hit a storm on the water Jesus said to Peter and to us in the mist of the storm “come trust me I’ll take you through this situation.” Sometimes it is a hard choice to trust God in the midst of hard problems but this trust is only made possible through God’s grace in every circumstance God’s grace is there not to take away the problem and ease the struggle but to strengthen us and help us through the situation Paul prayed 3 times to God please take this away from me he had a thorn in his side . God did not take it away. He said my grace is sufficient , in other words my grace would get you through when nothing else will .
You do not have to deserve that Grace. Just accept the gift. And make sure you give the gift away.