All posts by romans-five8

Joshua 6:1-5

Joshua 6:1-5


The power of praise the combination to unlock what God has already given you. Faithful Obedience Praise; this is when the impossible becomes possible. Jericho was the oldest lowest city 1300 feet below sea level. It was a stronghold that needed to be defeated in order to possess the land that God had promised Abraham 500 years before. When God makes a promise it will come to pass, we are benefiting from what God had promised.

God promised he would take care of you he would prosper you, they were on their was to the land but one big giant was in the way. You are on your way but there is a giant in the way. Sometimes that giant is not physical but spiritual a spiritual stronghold patter of thought we believe what people say about us, our self image. Remember you are a child of the most high, chosen by God for God. The apple of his eye. God has given us the weapons to pull down every stronghold that stands in out way. What the the weapons?

Obedience: They did what God ask them to do, Exactly. If you bake a cake and don’t use all the ingredients, it won’t taste like a cake. Prov 3:5 Do not lean on your own understanding. Obedience brings victory even with insurmountable odds. If God is for you, who can be against you?

Faith: By faith they followed the commands of God, the plan was crazy. On the surface they were following a dumb strategy but God was testing their faith and building their faith at the same time. They had fallen in the past but forgot what is behind and keep moving forward. God is doing a new thing in your life, Faith must be evidenced by obedience.

Praise: Your praise will take down the barriers that prevent you from being all that God has called you to do. When praise go up blessings start to come down. The all shouted together, the body of Christ, your church, your home, come on and magnify the Lord with me. His praises should continually be in my mouth. The walls will come down the walls of poverty the walls of injustice the walls of hatred. The walls of low self esteem the walls of guilt every chain will be broken. Shout it out, give God some glory now. The praise will conquer the devil stronghold. You can praise him now before the door open. Because God told Joshua I have given you the city before they marched around. Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord will go before you. Exodus 33:14 My presence will go with you. God demonstrates his miraculous power. Keep walking use the combination: Faith, Obedience, Praise. You can’t Lose, You won’t Lose, Victory is mine.

Bishop Thomas

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

John 12:10

John 12:10


The Chief Priests plotted to put Lazarus to death. Why? Because of Lazarus many jews got saved. Has anyone tried to kill you lately? Kill your spirit, your joy, your peace…Has anyone been persuaded because of you? To follow Jesus? What is your testimony? You are a walking miracle because of that they don’t like it. If God can take our lives and turn it around that is a miracle, we all are something, done something wrong, said some wrong. But look at God no we are not there yet but look at the transformation. They don’t like that and you know who they are. When God allows the enemy to mess with his children, you know there is a greater purpose to show God’s power and to elevate you in this faith walk and to save a soul.

Lazarus became famous because God used him, he was not the most popular. I never read where he complained about Jesus using him. God will use you because you were created by god for God that’s why he said make your body a living sacrifice. Lazarus died so they could see Jesus. God will allow something to die in your life so others can see Jesus. But don’t worry we can’t beat God giving. Lazarus was evidence! Eye witnesses on who Jesus is, God in the flesh. Lazarus a witness of the resurrection, if God could raise Lazarus from the dead he certainly can’t raise himself from the dead , Lazarus is a walking testimony.

Lazarus a silent preacher people would rather see a sermon than hear a sermon. See how God has changed you? You are still under construction, you are a miracle because we all were dead in our sins but now we are alive because of Jesus. Now that you are alive in the Lord you are on the hit list. They are plotting to kill you, now you have more trying to kill you, kill your dreams, kill your spirit, kill your passion, kill your ministry. They are mad because you are on fire for God, they did not bother you too much until God started blessing you real good. They see the impact you are having on others lives they are trying to carry out the hit. I am so glad that God has put us in the witness protection program.

You are under the wing of the almighty. He is my refuge and my protection, a present help in time of trouble. Stay on fire for the Lord don’t fret evil doers they will be cut down like grass. Walk by faith, God has your back, God will keep your haters in line, even use them to bless you and elevate you. I have not read where they ever killed Lazarus.

If they would have God would have just raised him again. What they meant for evil God will turn it around for good. More people would have come to Christ. They made the mistake with Jesus, if they would have known that by killing Jesus, more would be saved they would have left him alone. When they try and kill your reputation, assassinate your character, but you keep praising God through your trials and tribulations. That’s when people see your sermon and more come to Christ.

I thank God for a drug dealer, prostitute, liar and cheater. The womanizer that gave me hope to know there is a God. Now I know there there really is a God. I look at my own life where he brought me from. I am a living testimony I could have been dead and gone but he let me live on. Are you guilty about receiving the goodness of the Lord? Are you an eye witness of the power of God?

Bishop Thomas

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

I need you, you need me, we both need Jesus!

I need you, you need me, we both need Jesus!


Exodus 17:11-15

As Long as Moses held his hands up, the Israelites we’re winning, but when he got tired and lowered his hands the enemies would win.

Tell your neighbor keep your hands up, say ok but I need your help, even if you don’t like me because we are in this together.

Teeth and tongue fall out sometime. Jesus put it this way, one body, one spirit
The eye can’t tell the legs I don’t need you, it’s like you can see the million dollars but can’t walk to get it because you pissed off the legs.

In the text we see Moses
God chosen vessel to lead His people out of Egypt to the promised land.

Joshua and the troops was sent into the valley while Moses stayed on the top of the hill with the Rod of God in his hands .
Let me make this point now
Because everything in the old testament points to Jesus. We now have that same rod Moses had
It’s called the name of Jesus.
They ran into trouble on there way . God has promised you a better life and the devil don’t want you to get there, put all kind of road bloks in your way, use family and friends to block you, but how many know that if God is for you, who can be against you.

God will put some real friends in your life to help you make it to your promise Land, not frenemies.
Not Facebook friends .
But ride or die friends.
There is so much to unpack in this text, but can I just give you the Readers digest version.

Let me give you my thesis
My points.

  1. We are going to have to fight to get to the promise Land, but we don’t fight like everyone else.
    The amalekites was ruthless mean people, ungodly.
    There task was to stop God’s people. That’s the devil, he came to kill, steal and destroy, but Jesus said I came that you may have life and have life abundantly.
    If you belong to me.
    We fight on our knees.
    We pray and praise GodAnd He will fight for us.
    It’s in the text. You just stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.
  2. We need the The Lord.
    Notice when Mose got tired and his hands fell down.
    They would lose.
    God was showing them and showing us, we will fail without him, but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Rev. Ike said you can’t lose with the stuff I use. No I can’t lose with God on my side, no matter what the odds are.

  1. The third point is that we need each other. I need you and you need me and we both need God.
    We are called to be brothers and sisters.

Cast our burdens on one another. We are depending on God but are interdependent on each other.

Let me brings this close to home.

Moses got tired. Have you ever got tired.?
Tired of mess tired of the condition of our community.
Tired of the fake love
Tired of getting the short end of the stick.

Say neighbor help is on the way but in the mean time
Although I don’t know you
And I don’t like you but God has commanded me to help you hold your hands up
Because one day my hands will get tired.

We have to stop burning Bridges because you never know when you have to go back across it.

We have to help one another
To get our hands up in a position of praise.
When your hands are up they are pointing towards God that has all power
And he will transfer that power to you.

When praises go up
The blessings of the Lord came down, blessings in the form of my bills being paid, my child can go to school , blessings of healing, bless with my soulmate or God change the one I have. that’s what Moses was doing
But he got tired and his friends each one on each side, held his hands up.
So the blessings of winning the battle was there’s.

You have to pray and praise and press way through.
1 Timothy 2:8
Men everywhere to pray, lifting up Holy hands without anger.

Say neighbor if help me keep my hands up, we both can when, we can when the war on drugs in our neighborhood.
We can stamp out poverty
We can reduce gun violence
We can reduce domestic violence,

We can make it to the promise Land together on this side of the Jordan if you help me to hold my hands up.

I don’t mean just physically I mean help me emotionally when I get down depressed
Feel like I can’t make, give me some encouragement.
we can lift our hands up everywhere except church at a ballgame we do something call The Wave at the hole in the wall we say lift your hands up in the air wave them like you just don’t care.

After Israel defeated the amalekites army.
Moses built an altar call Annette Jehovah nissi mean the Lord is my banner.
Israel rally around the banner which is God
He will deliver us he will rescue us.

If I can do it in the club
I am going to do it for Jesus
He is the one that on a Friday, He carried his cross
But He got tired and a black man came to help Him because He had to stretches hands wide. So we could have the victory.

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

God has our back

God has our back


In the book of Ephesians the Apostle Paul speaks to us and gives us instructions on how to live successful in this evil world. How to have joy in the midst of life storms, how to stand strong, how to fight and how to protect ourselves. We must remember we are fighting from victory not for victory. We have already won as long as we stand in Christ. So the Apostle says put on the whole armour of God. I noticed that there are only 6 pieces and the word says the number 7 is the number of completion and 8 is the new beginning. When we put on our armour our back is out. I can’t see behind me, people will sneak up on you. Life will sneak up on you. Not on God’s watch! God has your back, don’t be afraid, don’t panic. Grace and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. God has you covered. Go for it, he won’t let you fall. He is in front, he is inside, he is in back, he has us covered.

God said I got your back

What does that mean, I went to the urban black dictionary and what is says is that a person that has your back, supports you unconditionally, when life seems to blindside you they are there they are flexible in mind and hard to make the necessary changes and sacrifices in their own lives if they know it is something that enhances yours. When you know that someone has your back they inspire you to try because when you fail they are there to catch you, and they are there to pick you up. They are your safety net, they don’t throw you under the bus, they don’t put your business in the street or on facebook they don’t judge or condemn you they tell you the truth and correct you in LOVE!

Bishop Thomas

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

Do Not Panic

Do Not Panic


Job 42:1_2

Do not panic

We can all identify with Job a man of faith who loves his family his fortune and his health a man that praises God worships God prays for his family but he still had trials and tribulation . We do know that it rains on the just and the unjust, but when it rains on the unjust God is in the rain with us. Although God allowed these trails to happen to Job there was still a limit. Yes God allowed it to happened but He also gave a limited to what the devil could do. So if you are a child of God, He will not put more on you that you can handle. By yourself. Let God help you to carry your load. We can identify with Job.

God is bigger than our fears and better than our faith. Consider the Monumental trials of Job.

He lost his family and his fortune. His wife turned against him, suggesting that he curse God and die.

Friends came to visit him and became caustic critics. They blamed Job for his problems. They said he must have sinned. But bad things happened to good people. What can we learn from Job.

Job finally learned that nothing takes God by surprise. Here is Job’s amazing reaction to his tragedy.
“ The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord.
Because Job did not panic and curse God. Years later he is rewarded for his faithfulness.
He was rewarded with seven more sons and three beautiful daughters. He received double what he had lost. Job’s future was greater than his past. The Lord blessed Job beyond his imagination.
Ephesians 3:20

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to His power that is at work within us.

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

Be a Water Hose, not a Gasoline Can

Be a Water Hose, not a Gasoline Can


Matthew 5:9

Jesus said, Blessed Are The Peacemakers. Jesus said I can be blessed if I become an agent of change. There is so much gun violence domestic children abuse the world seems to be out of control but what God is saying is that we have choice in the world that we live in .
Jesus told us to pray like this Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be your name your Kingdom Come, Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

We know that there is peace in Heaven and God said we can have on earth.On a personal level, God said I Will keep you in perfect peace who’s mind is stayed on Him. No matter what storms come your way.
We can have peace.
He said this peace the world did not give it to you and the world cannot take it away.But you can give away, he said do not give it away. But help others have that same peace.
He said if you want to be blessed do like Him be a peacemaker. Do not be a Fire starter.
You have a choice to be blessed or not.I may not have a lot of money, and I am not perfect but I can be a peacemaker.
When conflict comes and it will. Do not throw Gas on the fire but throw some water on the fire.
Who are These Blessed People?They are people who make peace in families.
They are people who make peace in the church and the Community.These people are quick to forgive.

They demonstrate God’s Love.They build up rather than tear down. You know we want to be like Mike.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to be successful. But our model should be the only perfect person to walk the earth, and I was told if I shoot for the moon and miss at least I will be among the stars.
Jesus was quick to forgive.Father forgive them, they know not what they do.
God felt so strong about This. He said if you do not forgive your Brother, you have decide not to be with me in heaven.
Why is this so important? God gave His life because you and I had to be forgiven. We were on death row waiting for the electric chair Jesus stepped in.He traded places with you.
God also knew that if we cannot forgive one another there is no way we can have peace on the earth. No peace in the home, family killing each other.No peace in the Church. I was marching in a rally and our slogan was no justice no peace.

We were protesting Injustice of the men in blue, but what about the church folks in white.No forgiveness no peace. No Love No forgiveness from God. What does a peacemaker really looks like these valuable people resemble their Heavenly Father.They sacrifice for the benefit of others.They are quick to reconcile with those who have wronged them.
They take a loving look at situations that divide people. Peacemakers focus on Redemption rather than Wrath. They refuse mountains out of molehills. They focus on reconciliation rather than building barriers.

They don’t build walls to keep people out. They tear down walls. Their goal is pulling people together not apart.
Peacemakers are Church builders, they create an atmosphere rather than despair, happy Harmony exists in their Church destructive divisions. Peacemakers like Jesus they are called the children of the Most High God.

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |




“No man ever spoke like this Man!” (John 7:46) NKJV
Jesus’ words are powerful and life-changing. He is the only one who can speak the things that your heart needs to hear.

“No man ever spoke like this Man!” (John 7:46) NKJV
Jesus’ words are powerful and life-changing. He is the only one who can speak the things that your heart needs to hear.

  • Only He who calmed the storm can say,
    “Do not be afraid.”
  • Only He who frees you from your burdens can say,
    “I will give you rest.”
  • Only He who is God incarnate can say,
    “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”
  • Only He who gives you living water can say,
    “Come to Me to drink.”
  • Only He who shed His blood on the cross can say,
    “Your sins are forgiven.”
  • Only He who rose from the dead can say,
    “I am the resurrection and the life.”
  • Only He who has gone to prepare a place for you can say,
    “Do not let your hearts be troubled.”
    I have come that they may have life, and have it to the fullest.” (John 10:10)
    “Praise God from whom all blessings flow” Glory to God
    C. B. Helping Hands Ministries,
    Rev. Porter Benjamin Jr.

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

2 Corinthians 9:8

2 Corinthians 9:8


2 Corinthians 9:8 King James Version (KJV)
8 “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:”
This scripture much like Ephesians 3:20 is teaching us that God is able.
The question then is what is he able to do?
He is able to make all grace abound to us. His grace is sufficient in all things. and at all times.

Because of this, we may abound in every good work.
The word abound found in webster’s dictionary means: to exist in large numbers or amounts.
This means that God is able to give us more than we can ask for.
God accomplishes this through His strength, not ours. His work is done through the Holy Spirit’s power within each of us that has excepted Him as our Lord and Savior.
It is by the working of God’s power in, and through us that we are able to endure and overcome.

To God Be The Glory In All Things
C Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah
C.B.Helping Hands Ministries

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

C.B. Helping Hands