Food Insecurity and Diabetes: Seniors Struggle to Maintain Health with Limited Access to Proper Diet

Food Insecurity and Diabetes: Seniors Struggle to Maintain Health with Limited Access to Proper Diet

BY NOVEMBER 20, 2018 – 4:22 PM HEALTH

By American Diabetes Association

By Lydia Preuss and Shana Alford, Feeding America Applied Research

In the United States, millions of seniors ages 60 and older face a diverse set of challenges on a regular basis when trying to secure and prepare nutritious food, which may include food insecurity. Seniors who are food insecure may experience barriers to accessing food, reduced quality and variety in their diet, and disrupted food intake, all of which can cause and exacerbate mental and physical health issues.

Feeding America®, a nationwide hunger-relief organization with a network of 200 food banks around the country, works to deeply understand the issue of food insecurity among seniors and partner with communities to resolve this complex challenge. This work led us to partner with the University of South Carolina to complete a comprehensive evaluation study, Senior Food-Assistance, Related Programming, and Seniors’ Experiences Across the Feeding America Network (July 2018). During this study we heard the stories of 147 seniors, one in three of whom lives with diabetes.

Managing Diabetes as a Senior

The American Diabetes Association reports a quarter of seniors over the age of 65

“My diabetes is under control now. I was in and out of the hospital for April, June, July. […] At least one or two trips to the hospital is what I had to go because I wasn’t eating properly to hold the diabetes under control. […] You understand that this program is very essential to the senior population […] Do you all realize what you just did? You just put food in the cabinets.”

This senior is not alone in juggling both health concerns and living with food insecurity. Feeding America’s Hunger in America study revealed that among households with a senior served by food banks, 77% have at least one member with high blood pressure and 47% have at least one member with diabetes.

Chronic disease also contributed to an overall lack of mobility among seniors. Many had trouble lifting and carrying the heavy boxes of food distributed through their local food pantries. Others discussed loss of ability to cook, often because of physical, and chronic limitations. One senior told us:

“I don’t feel so I’ll burn my fingers or if I cut, I’ll cut myself. […] I don’t feel with my hands. […] …it’s been diabetic neurotrophy in my hands goes about to here and the same way with my feet, it goes like up to mid-calf. I drop a knife in the kitchen the one day and it hit my foot and I never even knew it. It’s something you learn to deal with, it’s a fence…”

We found that although most seniors preferred fresh produce over canned or dry goods, they were sometimes unable to cook fresh items. In addition, seniors told us they had difficulty affording healthier food items because of high costs at grocery stories. If seniors had limited transportation options, then they were unable to select the best shopping location for affordable foods and/or shop for food frequently. Ultimately, one key finding that our study highlights is that some seniors living with diabetes and other chronic diseases and health conditions have difficulty accessing and preparing the foods they need to maintain a balanced diet.

This dilemma is discussed eloquently by one senior:

“… I am borderline diabetic, and I do have high blood pressure. And I don’t always get the kind of food to help me with my diet because of [not] being able to afford it, because the better foods are more quality. They cost a lot more. So sometimes you kinda settle for the cheaper value. And there are times that I wish I could get something different than what I do get.”

The chronic conditions that affect food insecure seniors are important considerations for both health and hunger-relief sector organizations serving senior populations.

The quotes highlighted here and other stories we heard from seniors exposed challenges they face in getting enough healthy food to maintain a stable diet. As a result, this study illuminates specific opportunities for us to re-design programs and advocate for policies that address senior food insecurity. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach to serving any population, and programs serving seniors are no exception, but we are committed to finding solutions to problems faced by food-insecure populations so that we can make meaningful progress toward ending hunger. As a start, Feeding America is currently working in four U.S. communities to implement human-centered design strategies that result in locally based, senior-led solutions.

We invite you to read more about our fight to end hunger, other areas of our research, and how to get involved, visit

Statistics About Diabetes. (2018, March 22). Retrieved from


C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

Embracing New Diabetes Technology at Camp: Laurie Diasio’s Story

Embracing New Diabetes Technology at Camp: Laurie Diasio’s Story

BY AUGUST 20, 2018 – 3:59 PM HEALTH

By American Diabetes Association

For nearly 70 years, our Camps have served as a lifeline for kids with diabetes ages 4 to 18 and their families, allowing children to develop the critical skills they need to thrive while managing this disease. On-site medical volunteers teach campers how to check blood glucose, count carbohydrates, independently administer insulin and develop a better understanding of diabetes care.

Laurie Diasio and her son, Nick

Laurie Diasio, RN, knows this well. She was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 3 and attended camp from 1979 to 1983, but recalls a significantly different medical routine throughout her years as a camper. “We did not have blood glucose meters at that time,” shares Laurie. “We would line up at the bathroom with urine cups and bring our samples to the health center to be tested for glucose. Lows, which were based on how campers felt rather than an actual blood glucose number, were treated with Karo Syrup.”

Fast forward to 2000―Laurie was in nursing school at the time and was eventually recruited to volunteer at Camp Triangle D in Illinois. When Laurie first made the transition from camper to volunteer, only five campers at Camp Triangle D were using insulin pumps. Eighteen years later, now as the Health Team Coordinator at Camp Triangle D, Laurie cites 75 percent of campers in Illinois and across the country use some type of insulin pump or continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system. Health professionals across all camps have kept pace, altering their teaching methods to ensurehildren can manage diabetes at camp with the same tools and technology they use at school and at home. The days of urine samples and Karo Syrup are far behind us.

Laurie calls camp a “crash course in diabetes management.” Many campers may not feel comfortable managing their diabetes because their mom, dad or caregivers are usually so involved, from carbohydrate counting and site rotation, to preparing insulin and understanding ever-changing technology.

The Diasio family

“Implementing this new technology allows teachable moments for campers and volunteers,” says Laurie. “There’s an added level of independence and pride when a camper can understand and use his or her insulin pump or CGM system. Parents are pleased when campers return home and draw on the skills and education we were able to provide at camp.”

Last December, the ADA hosted a conference in which stakeholders convened to examine and address how to keep the camp experience up to date with the latest technology. At the conference, a living document titled Best Practices for the use of Diabetes Technology at Summer Camp was created to share preferred procedures and information with medical volunteers across the country. The group purposely chose the term “living document” rather than “guideline” since technology is moving so quickly and recommendations are being updated as products change and become FDA- approved.

The Diasios at our Chicago Father of the Year Awards

Laurie Diasio continues to embrace these new “teachable moments” at camp, especially after her son, Nick, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2011. Nick joined his mom at Camp Triangle D after he was diagnosed, where he not only learned to manage his diabetes, but met lifelong friends who experience the same everyday triumphs and challenges of diabetes care. The Diasio family was honored as our 2018 Mission Family at the Chicago Father of the Year Awards, where they shared their diabetes journey through generations and asked those in attendance to donate to our mission. After all, our camps wouldn’t be possible without these donors, the support of the health professionals who donate their time, and the many corporate and foundation partners who provide medication, supplies, educational materials, and financial support.

Thank you to Trail Blazer Premier National Sponsor Novo Nordisk, and The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, The Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation, Lilly Diabetes and Walgreens for supporting the ADA’s day and residential camp operations across the country.


C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

Advocacy Update: Diabetes Research and Programs Funding

Advocacy Update: Diabetes Research and Programs Funding

BY AUGUST 7, 2018 – 4:12 PM HEALTH

By American Diabetes Association

This spring, Congress finally increased funding for diabetes research and prevention programs. The Special Diabetes Program, which supports type 1 diabetes research and type 2 diabetes prevention programs in Native communities, was funded through September 30, 2019 at $600 million dollars—a huge win for people living with and affected by diabetes.

Congress also increased funding for the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Division of Diabetes Translation (DDT) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP). These programs are improving treatments and making a tangible difference in the lives of Americans affected by diabetes and providing the best hope for a cure.

We’re very grateful that Congress has made a meaningful commitment to people with and at risk for diabetes. But now, it’s time for Congress to fund the government for another fiscal year, and we must encourage members of Congress to continue to make diabetes a priority.

The human and economic cost of diabetes is devastating. Today, more than 30 million Americans have diabetes and 84 million more have prediabetes. What’s more, the annual cost of diagnosed diabetes has skyrocketed to $327 billion.

As Congress works to fund the government for FY 2019, we are urging them to provide the maximum possible support for NIDDK, DDT and the National DPP. The good news? The House and Senate Appropriations Committees have approved legislation to fund these priorities – the next step is for both chambers to pass funding bills. We are asking Congress to vote in favor of the highest amount provided to each program:

$2.031 billion for NIDDK in the Senate bill,
$155 million for DDT in the House bill, and
$26.8 million for the National DPP in the House bill.

With sustained increased investment in these programs, we can reach for a future free of diabetes and its burdens. Raise your voice in support of this important funding – take action on this important issue today!


C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

A Conversation with Crystal Woodward and Dr. Fran Cogen: Part 3

A Conversation with Crystal Woodward and Dr. Fran Cogen: Part 3

BY AUGUST 3, 2018 – 8:57 PM HEALTH

By American Diabetes Association

Recently, our Safe at School Director, Crystal Woodward, got the chance to chat with Fran Cogen, MD, CDE, Director of Diabetes Services and Interim Co-Chief of Pediatric Endocrinology at Children’s Hospital. Dr. Cogen’s practice serves approximately 1,800 patients in the DC/Maryland/Virginia metro area, with 85 percent of those patients living with type 1 diabetes. Dr. Cogen has been working with diabetes patients since 2002 and is also a member of the ADA’s Safe at School Working Group. Ms. Woodward and Dr. Cogen spoke about the Safe at School program, diabetes management in schools and how parents can work with schools as a team—check out part three of this interview series, focused on tips for parents.

Dr. Fran Cogen

CW: Which Safe at School resources have been most helpful?

FC: ADA’s Safe at School Working Group has recently provided guidelines (through evidence-based research) on CGMs. With the new technology that pops up, these guidelines have been very useful for schools.

CW: What steps should parents take to make sure they understand their child’s needs and rights at school? And what steps should they take if they don’t think their child’s diabetes is being managed properly at school?

FC: The first thing is to speak to your child’s diabetes team—find out what’s going on. Sometimes, parents expect more than is possible from the school. Our role is to figure out what is appropriate. Second, our nurse educators (or myself/other doctors) will try to speak with the school nurse to find out what the issue is and resolve it in a satisfactory manner. If that doesn’t happen, the next step is to call the ADA’s Center for Information at 1-800-DIABETES.

CW: What do you see as the key role of the school nurse, and what can the school nurse do to ensure that kids with diabetes have access to care at all times?

FC: The school nurse needs to be knowledgeable about diabetes, meaning he or she also needs to be updated about the latest technology, gets appropriate education and knows his or her own limits. Since there aren’t school nurses at every school, a surrogate should be educated to make sure someone is there who has been trained to provide needed care. He or she also needs to know what is/isn’t appropriate for self-care, and have flexibility and willingness to work with the diabetes team. The nurse should be an advocate for the child at school, rather than an obstacle.

CW: So it’s a team approach. Who else would be on the team other than the school nurse?

FC: The school nurse is the advocate/leader of the team, we’re the medical end of the team and the parent must be included. Acting as an advocate for the child, if the child’s medical team deems that a child is able to manage independently, the school nurse should advocate for self-management.

CW: What do you think parents and schools can better do to work together to support a child’s transition to independence?

FC: A non-threatening attitude on both sides is very helpful. When parents go into a meeting thinking, “You have to do what I say,” the natural response is for the school to become defensive—that’s not where you want to be. I believe the approach should be, “We want what’s best for our child in school and we know that you do too.” I recommend that families meet with the school nurse before school starts so all expectations can be discussed. I also recommend writing a Diabetes Medical Management Plan and a 504 plan, even if the school says it’s not necessary. It’s not about punishing the school, it’s about clearly stating responsibilities and setting expectations.

CW: How would you say that the Safe at School program has impacted the lives of your patients and colleagues?

FC: The first thing is to know about it [is that] in the Safe at School theme of “Educate, negotiate, litigate and legislate,” my team’s part is the “educate” and “negotiate.” When it comes to conflicts, and the education portion is complete but a solution hasn’t been found, then the next thing is to call the ADA for information and guidance. The ADA has done Safe at School workshops for my team which have been informative. I tell all of my patients’ families to go to the ADA website and learn about Safe at School, and I have a sample 504 plan so they can see what it involves. It’s really a matter of awareness and knowing that the ADA exists to help in those cases.

CW: What should parents reasonably expect from schools in terms of using and supporting new technologies (like the Dexcom 6 Mobile)?

FC: That’s thorny—parents can’t expect the nurse to look at the kid’s monitor every minute. But the parent will be looking, so I think the nurses need to know what it is, how it works and how to treat lows and recognize and respond to alarms.


C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

Live Sermon

Live Sermon


I don’t know how God is going to do it, I don’t know when he is going to fix it. Help me sing victory shout yea, I know he is going to make a way for me out of no way.

What do you believe about God? What will help you trust him more? Your faith reveals your belief system. Psalm 83:11 David was a mess but a man after God’s own heart. Just like David I made some mistakes. What do you desire? Develop a hunger for God set your heart on God. Psalm 27:4 I desire the Lord my souls thirsty for God. Psalm 42:4 What is Desire? A stronger feeling than anything else above all else. Want it bad, crave for it. Walk a mile to get it. Romans 7:8 bad desires we have some time we don’t want to go in the wrong direction.

Money, fame guard your heart, build your treasury in heaven set your mind on things above. Only what you do for God will last. Do not choose evil desires God saved you for him. Legs, arms, mouth, eyes; God wants you and needs you. David is like Randy Moss David was hungry for God he spent time with him, while others were doing other things. David was a worshiper, Psalm 63:1 I thirst for you…Do I love God more than cake, more than my boo? We have to change we must love his word.

He wanted to please God if you want to please someone you buy them gifts, take them out. David prayed all the time, if you love me keep my commandments. Choose the will of God, Psalm 132:1-4 He sang to God, do you have a dwelling place for God? He cared about God more than himself. Long for God! I want to be in his space get close to him. The closer I get to him the more he makes me feel…the book of James said, Draw to him and he will draw to you. Daily bible reading, go to church, go feed the hungry go clothe the naked, go to the prison.

The opposite of desire is satisfaction. It is a disease…I need God to do something some miracles I need in my life. What we don’t need to do is have spiritual satisfaction. I want more of Jesus, Paul said, I want to know him more than anything else in life. Do you want a million dollars or Jesus? The lady with the issue of blood, had money she desperately had to get to Jesus and she was made whole. Are you putting an effort in knowing God? I can’t wait to see him. My heart starts to beat faster, my hands start to sweat, I can’t sleep. I have to see him Let’s examine ourselves. How bad do you want him? Just like air we need it, that’s the way we should want God.

Make your body a living sacrifice. The lady of the night gave everything…she had a desire! Do you have a burning desire for God? I want to do his will not my will. God knows he can trust you, that’s why God loved David so much. He was also honest with God, God I sin only against you, God is such a just God Jesus spent time with God and he was God to God. To give us an example, he said I did not hing on my own. What are you doin on your own? In all our ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path.

Chief Apostle Shelia Benjamin Inusah

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

Habits that Leads to Great Blessings

Habits that Leads to Great Blessings


Philippians 4 :6-8

Do not fret any anxiety anything but in every circumstance everything by prayer petition with Thanksgiving, can you to make your wants known to God and God’s peace shall be yours. We find it difficult not worry, not to be anxious, but God tells us we are not to worry or be anxious because he has our back.

He said give all your worries to Him, cast your cares, give me your concerns, given me your burdens, give me your past mistakes, and if you let me fight your battles I will win for you.

What God is saying through the Apostle Paul we must become like babies a baby is totally dependent on someone to take care of them. We would love someone to Just take care of us but we have a habit of trying to do it on our own.

Therefore, we must develop some Holy Habits. That will enable you to start each day right. To stop worrying.

To stop being critical of yourself and others. Habits that will make you a blessing to others. How do we develop these habits?

Paul said, be careful for nothing. Do not let anxiety over take you. God knows your every need and wants. If He takes care of the birds and you are more important, He will take care of you. Worrying is a habit it’s a form of fear. Faith and Fear are opposites.

We develop habits that build faith and fight fear.Faith grows through exposure to Scripture. Saturate your mind with the voice of God. Hang out with some faith walkers.

Start the day with the Bible not face book, but the faith book. not instagram but instant God. not # Keepitreal but #GodisGood.Read the word before you eat. Read before you watch the have and have nots so you can have and bless others.

Paul said start the Day Thankful Stop trembling and start trusting, but we do not trust anyone we do not know.

Get to know Jesus for yourself. Expect God to come through for you.

Focus on God’s blessings and give thanks, give thanks for things you have taken for granted. He woke me up. No matter what I am facing God is able to turn it around.

Give thanks that He died for my sins, that He loves me. Then Paul said Focus on positive things. things that are true, honest, pure, and lovely. Focus on the positive traits in others and you will become a positive person. Invest your day Ministering to others it is not about you but about God. It is called J.O.Y. Jesus. Others. You. Give Priority to Soul Winning and Reap Great Blessings.

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

The last 7 words

The last 7 words


Lord forgive then they know not what they do!

Forgive means let it go, you can’t get into heaven. Unless you forgive, Jesus knew he could not get into heaven unless he forgave. Lord remember me when you in paradise. How did Tupac see it? Between 2 thugs, Tupac No heaven for a thug Thug mansion…was Jesus a thug? The cross means that God is on my side. The same folks turned on him, Lord remember me, Today you will be in paradise.

John 19:25
Son of humans and divine in the midst of dying he teaches now. Jesus would live beyond the cross.
Mark 15:34
My god why have you forsaken me?
At times we feel like Jesus, our life is dark, you are never alone. You would never turn your back on your kids.
Isaiah 59:2
God forsake Jesus so he would not forsaken you.
Ephesians 2:13
Brought with a price the blood will never lose its power.
John 19:28
If anyone is thirsty let him come and drink, I am the bread of life. Now he is thirsty.
Psalm 59:1
Are you able to drink from the cup? Because he thirst we no longer have to.
John 19:30 (6 words)
It started in Genesis…the word (it). It thought it had him. The word is (action verb)
God is good
Good is
Is a connection
I am done it’s over the fat lady has sang see you later

Luke 23:44

I am so glad this is not how it all ended. God is always up to something just when it looks like the enemies have won, back against the wall. Jesus has completed the mission. Father into your hands at your darkest moments turn it to your hands. At your darkest moments turn it to your Jesus. Put it all in his hands he will turn it around in the midnight hour. When you head is down, lift it up and say amen.

The devil thought they had him, he dies so that we may have life and life abundantly.

We bleed the blood of Jesus.

Lord you hung for 3 hours on the cross

One for the Father

One for the Son

One for the Holy Spirit

3 is the perfect number, I am not perfect but Jesus is and he traded places with me. Now when God looks at me he sees Jesus. I am precious in his sight. Because of the cross.
At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light.

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

The Blood

The Blood


It’s reached to the highest mountain and flow to the lowest valley the blood gives me strength from day to day. The blood never lose it’s power. Genesis 4:1-4 Birth to Cain and Able. The Lord favored Able, Cain was angry and killed Able. God warned him blood on your hands.

Exodus 12 Share a lamb with your neighbor morning, must be one year old. Take care of them this is the sacrifice all together. Put the blood on the door post the blood does not cover us when we are out of position. Eat from the table that he prepared to make sure you are at the right table. Go back to Adam and Eve she had him to eat the apple she was deceived the same happened to Cain what have you done Adam where are you? Adam how do you know you are naked? So god killed an animal to cover them the blood ran down their leg does not compare to the blood of Jesus it covers us Heal me Save me Power of the blood you are not healed because you don’t believe in the power or the blood. Nothing but the blood Power in the blood. In the old church they pray and plead the blood over everything. Put the blood over the doorstep I will pass by. If you have an addiction if you are sick if you are down plead the blood. My word will not come back void. Believe in your heart My sin is covered by the blood I am nothing without the blood I can stand and represent him because of the blood. Something has to die so you can live. My attitude has to die so the spirit can live in me. The blood we need a blood transfusion Thank you Lord for sending your blood.

Testimony Evangelist Q

My son and a friend was in a car that turned over 6 times but because they were covered in the blood they both came out with Victory, The blood never ever lost it’s power.

Apostle Essie Bush

C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

Something in his spirit drew Jesus attention!

Something in his spirit drew Jesus attention!


Luke 19:6-7

Something in his spirit drew Jesus attention, he was a thief. God is greater than your past, people are not going to like it but God does not care. Deep down inside he wants to change, climb a tree, what is in your way? Get ready for it in 2019 yoke release. Get rid of the doubt dont disqualify yourself how many want the best life? Speak to the mountain situation God is waiting on you to come higher so he can see you. Come higher in your spirit life come higher in your prayer life come higher in your attitude.

When they go high you go low! Don’t repay evil with evil pray for your enemies pray for those that spitefully use you, come higher so God can see you. Come higher in your faith so God can see you. Are you determined to have a better relationship with God are you determined to be obedient to God’s word are you determined for him to call you so you can come to your house. As for me and my house in 2020 we will serve the Lord. You may have to put some folks out of your house, spiritually, don’t go home and put your husband out. But don’t let them turn your focus, if we put God first and his righteousness he would add all these things to us.

What things? all your needs desire of your heart make your enemies behave. Let God come to your house that’s why he made the house to come live with you. Not just to visit he said I abide in you and you abide in me. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Jesus looked up and said today I will go home with you. I know you come to church but do you take God home with you. Is there peace in the house is there Joy in the house. Is there kindness in the house is there wealth in the house I did not say Money. Luther said a house is not a home if no one is there Let God turn your house into a home. Zacchaeus which was a chief among the publicans House was not a home he had money, he had women because they asked the late George Burns how did he get so many women he took out his wallet.

He had some friends on facebook because he had money, not real friends but fake friends. He had the Benz, house on the hill but he was missing something. All of us have a vacuum that only God can fill stop expecting that woman or that man to fill that void God won’t let it happen. Things can be going great and the minute you start to put them before God all hell will break loose. How many have been there? It’s the trick of the devil you remember the story of the rich young ruler saddest commentary in the Bible…he walked away sad why? Let me do the math 0 x a million dollars is zero but one times a million is a million that one makes a difference and one in Jesus look at what happened to Zacchaeus.

A transformation because God was in the house, let him in . Do you want your husband, your boyfriend, your wife or your girlfriend transformed? Let God in the house. Zacchaeus stood and said unto the Lord behold Lord the half of my goods I give to the poor wait a minure first of all God did not ask him to do that Second of all so what you took the money from the poor anyway but he must have known the word said those that lend it to the poor lend to God and that he would make your enemies behave.

But then Zacchaeus went above and beyond if you want to know if a person has been with the Lord if they are for real if they have changed if you make them mad and they still love you I mean you messed up but they are still by your side. Jesus said it this way repay evil with God. Zacchaeus said I was given fourfold, Look at God.

This story is not just about Zacchaeus Jesus is the main character the poor are about to get blessed by a thief. God said the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just. He said I will turn everything around for your good.


C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

Psalm 1

Psalm 1


Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly.

But his delight is in the Law of the Lord and in his Law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bring forth his fruit in his season. His leaf shall not wither and whatever he doeth shall prosper.

The pursuit of Happiness

  1. What is Ungodly? The ones that oppose God and his ways. Doing their own thing, trusting in self, trusting in their own abilities. Trusting in man. Choose people that will lead you closer to God, not the one with the most money, the best looking, choose the one that can speak a word in your life. Ephesians 5:8 Continue to encourage and inspire others to live a Godly life. They are living as children of the light which pleases the Lord.
  2. Meditation on the word of God day and night, chew on it. Don’t let it depart from your mouth, man shall not live by bread alone but by every word come from God. The word works if you work it. Life and death in the poser of the tongue. What goes in must come out…word in, holy spirit out. So I follow these instructions, what will happen? Blessings will chase me down, because God rewards those that seek him. I will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that living water coming from God constantly, blessings never run out. I will bring forth fruit Love, Kindness, Joy and Peace and Happiness. The good life, my best life and the text saus it will never end. My leaf will not wither and I will have the favor of God. Whatever I do shall prosper because in John 15:5 I am the vine you are the branch, you can do nothing without me. Remember the objects in the mirror are closer than they appear. Don’t change lanes and miss your blessings, don’t let anger make you change lanes. Don’t let trials and tribulations make you change lanes. Follow Gods instructions and he will get us there. The land of milk and honey!!


C.B Helping Hands Ministries | 10737 New Kings Rd Jacksonville Florida 32219 |

C.B. Helping Hands